Adding Regional Preferences

You can add regional preferences to send communication mailers or messages to a specific region.

About this task

To add regional preferences, complete the following steps:


  1. Access Contact Central. For more information, see Accessing Unica Contact Central.
  2. Select Regional Preferences.
  3. In the Regional preferences section, click + Regional preference.
    The Create new preference page appears.
  4. Type an appropriate Name. This is a unique field.
  5. As per your requirement, Select time zone.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Note: You can create only one regional preference per time zone.
    You can perform the following additional actions on the new regional preference:
    1. Adding Channel Preferences to a Regional Preference
    2. Viewing Details of the Added Channel Preference
    3. Modifying the Added Channel Preference
    4. Deleting Channel Preferences from a Regional Preference