Field Type Length Null? Description
id INT False Unique ID of the table.
partition_name VARCHAR2 250 False
audience_level VARCHAR2 250 False
audience_field_enum SMALLINT False
audience_number INT False
audience_text VARCHAR2 250 False
audience_json CLOB False
audience_hash VARCHAR2 250 False
audience_email VARCHAR2 250 False The email address of the audience.
audience_mobile VARCHAR2 250 False The mobile number of the audience.
audience_device_id VARCHAR2 250 False The installation ID of the app in the audience's phone.
createdDateEpoch INT False Created date epoch.
lastModifiedDateEpoch INT False Last modified date epoch.
version INT False Version information for optimistic locking.
createdby INT False Platform ID of the user who created the entry.
modifiedby INT False Platform ID of the user modifying the entry