Cloud Native Unica Reference Materials

After downloading the Cloud Native Unica image from FNO, access the Cloud Native Unica product documentation to implement it on your setup.

The product documentation for Unica is available for consumption in the PDF format and HTML format. You can access the Unica documentation from the following URLs:

For details related to latest release of Cloud Native Unica, see Cloud Native Unica Release Notes. This document is ideal for new users and existing users to know the following details:

  • New features in the release
  • Defects fixed from earlier releases
  • Known issues or limitations
  • Contacting HCL Technical Supoort

For details related to installation and configuration of Cloud Native Unica, see Cloud Native Unica Installation and Configuration Guide.

For exhaustive information related to implementing Cloud Native Unica using helm charts, see the following application server-specific implementation guides:

  • Cloud Native Unica Implementation Guide for Apache Tomcat.
  • Cloud Native Unica Implementation Guide for Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform.
  • Cloud Native Unica Implementation Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server.