Unica Campaign integration with Kafka


Default configuration - Affinium|Campaign|partition|partition[n]|Kafka|Campaign

KafkaBrokerURL Kafka server being used with Journeys application. Example is IP-0A862D46:9092

Specify the connection mechanism to connect to Kafka server.

Possible values:

SASL_PLAINTEXT_SSL - Use this to connect to kafka with username/password and SSL enabled.

NO_SASL_PLAINTEXT_SSL - Use this to connect kafka with no authentication and no SSL.

SASL_PLAINTEXT - Use this to connect kafka with username and password only.

SSL - Use this to connect kafka without username/password but with SSL.

SASL mechanism used for client connections.

Possible values:

PLAIN: This is default value, Use this if client connection is without Kerberos authentication.

GSSAPI: Use this if client connection is with Kerberos authentication.
KafkaKeyFile Specify the client key file if connection mechanism is using SSL. Example: /opt/ Unica/Kafkakeys/client_key.pem
KafkaCertificateFile Specify the certificate file if connection mechanism is using SSL. Example: /opt/ Unica/Kafkakeys/client_cert.pem
CertificateAuthorityFile It is signed certificate of Kafka Server, it is required when connection mechanism is using SSL. Example - /opt/Unica/Kafkakeys/ca-cer
UserForKafkaDataSource Marketing Platform user contains the datasource credentials for Kafka while connecting with username / password
KafkaDataSource DataSource containing the kafka user credentials
TopicName Journeys designated topic for Campaign to push data to Journey. Required value - STREAMING_IMPORT. Please do not change this as it would send data to Kafka topic which is not being used in Journey.
NumberOfPartitions Number of partitions supports Kafka to hold user exported data.
NumberOfReplicas Each partition is replicated across a configurable number of servers for fault tolerance.
RetentionPeriodInSeconds The maximum time Kafka will retain messages exported over topic. Once retenĀ­tion period over Kafka clears all eligible exported messages.
SslKeyPasswordDataSource If KafkaKeyFile is password protected, then please create a separated data source which will include that password. User name is not used so can be anything. Mention that data source name as value of this field.

When using GSSAPI i.e., Kerberos authentication, configure a service name that matches the primary name of the Brokers configured in the Broker JAAS file.

Example is: kafka
SaslKerberosKeytabPath When using GSSAPI i.e., Kerberos authentication, set path of the keytab file created for kafka client.
SaslKerberosPrincipal When using GSSAPI i.e., Kerberos authentication, set Kerberos principal created for kafka client.