Importing offers from Unica Campaign

When you enable offer integration, you can import offer metadata and data from Unica Campaign to Unica Plan.

Before you begin

Before you import offers, verify that every user who is referenced as an owner, modifier, or user in a Unica Campaign offer or offer list has Unica Plan privileges.

To import offer data and metadata from Unica Campaign successfully, you must have administrative privileges to both Unica Plan and Unica Campaign.

About this task

Note: Complete this procedure immediately after you enable offer integration, and before you create any offer-related items with Unica Plan.

Typically, you import offers from Unica Campaign only one time. If the import procedure fails, review and resolve the errors and then start the import process again. Successfully imported offers and offer lists are flagged in Unica Campaign to prevent duplicate imports. After integration, users enter all offer metadata and data with Unica Plan, so you do not need to repeat this procedure.

Note: Verify that the offer import procedure completes successfully.


  1. Select Settings > Plan Settings.
  2. In the Other Options section, click Import Unica Campaign Offers.

    The Import Campaign Offers page enumerates the offer templates, offer folders, offers, and offer lists available for import.

  3. Click Continue. The import process starts and the status displays. You can navigate to other pages and return to the Import Campaign Offers page to check the status and see results.
    Note: Verify that the offer import procedure completes successfully before Unica Plan users start to work with offers.
  4. In a multi-partitioned Unica Campaign environment, you repeat these steps for each partition. Log in to Unica Plan with a user ID associated with each of the other partitions and repeat this procedure.


The import process brings the offer data and metadata that exists in Unica Campaign into Unica Plan. The import process sets the status of each imported item to "Published".

Note: Retired offers and offer lists are not imported. Retired offer templates are imported with a status of "Disabled".

To review any error or warning conditions, navigate to the Import Campaign Offers page and click Error(s) from current / last completed import job.

Table 1. Offer-related items imported from Unica Campaign
Items imported (in sequence) Possible errors and resolutions
1. Offer templates
  • A referenced standard attribute does not exist: Add the attribute to Unica Plan and re-import.
  • Unexpected error: Review details for possible causes, such as a network or database problem, and re-import.
2. Offer folders
  • An offer folder with the same name exists: Rename the existing offer folder in either Unica Campaign or Unica Plan and re-import.
  • The parent offer folder does not exist: Resolve the error for the parent offer folder and re-import.
  • Unexpected error: Review details for possible causes, such as a network or database problem and re-import.
3. Offers
  • A referenced offer template does not exist: Resolve the error for the offer template and re-import.
  • A referenced offer folder does not exist: Resolve the error for the offer folder and re-import.
  • A referenced user does not exist: Provision the user with privileges for Unica Plan and re-import.
  • An offer with the same offer code exists (warning): The offer is imported. Follow up by changing the code to a unique value in Unica Plan.
  • Unexpected error: Review details for possible causes, such as a network or database problem, and re-import.
Note: When offer data and metadata are imported from Unica Campaign, the user who initiates the import becomes the owner of the offers in Unica Plan.
4. Offer lists
  • One or more of the offers was not imported: Resolve the error for each offer and re-import.
  • A referenced offer folder does not exist: Resolve the error for the offer folder and re-import.
  • A referenced user does not exist: Provision the user with privileges for Unica Plan and re-import.
  • Unexpected error: Review details for possible causes, such as a network or database problem, and re-import.
Note: When offer list data and metadata are imported from Unica Campaign, the user who initiates the import becomes the owner of the offer lists in Unica Plan.