Fixed defects in Unica Campaign V12.1.2

The following defects were fixed in Unica Campaign 12.1.2.

Issue ID Description
HMA-333022 404 Error While Saving Updated Rule Data For "Never A followed by B"
HMA-331662 User variable picking value from the previous run when flowchart executed using Platform Scheduler with future date
HMA-330420 Campaign Listener randomly exits
HMA-333007 Campaign folder description cross-site issue.
HMA-332037 Listener gets crashed after some duration when concurrent users are creating offers in Plan
HMA-331403 Optimize "Agent customer relationship template table" not appearing in dropdown when Optimize session
HMA-329133 Select PB exporting more data in output to snapshot PB, even user sets limit size to any number for base with dimension tables as input
HMA-331646 Scheduled flowchart for future time and the user variable picks up OLD value which is previous run's value (not current_date-1).
HMA-331720 Security Vulnerability – Improper Error Handling
HMA-333808 Tokens passed to triggers wrapped in two sets of double quotes when space is present
HMA-333332 Double data type data is sent from Campaign to Journey if input is taken from table
HMA-333721 Oracle ODBC connection with DMY as a date format for data source
HMA-331516 Non Translated Text on Select Proccess box for a French User