Response tracking tables for the integration

To support the Campaign and Engage integration, response tracking tables are required to store data about user responses to email, SMS, and push events.

What is the purpose of the tables?

Response events such as clicks or bounces occur as a result of an Engage mailing. These events flow from Engage to UBX and are downloaded to Campaign using the UBX Toolkit. After the events are downloaded to Campaign, they need to be imported into tables so Campaign can access the event data. Once the event data is imported into the tables, those tables can serve as a user data source in Campaign flowcharts.

How do the tables get created?

The person who is responsible for configuring the integration uses the UBX Toolkit to create the tables. This is a one-time setup operation. For more information, see Creating response tracking tables for the integration.

How do the tables get populated?

The tables get populated whenever someone runs the eventsDownload and eventsImport scripts that are provided with the UBX Toolkit.

The scripts can be run manually or as a scheduled job. For details, see the appropriate topic for the features that you are using:

How are responses tracked?

Response tracking between Campaign and Engage is possible because each mailing has a unique name. This unique name is included in every event generated by Engage, so it is used to correlate responses. The integration takes care of this automatically.

Note: The EventNameSpace and EventVersion columns of all Campaign Event tables have the value NULL.