Fixed defects in HCL Campaign 10.1

The following defects were fixed in Campaign 10.1.

Table 1. Campaign fixed defects
ID Fixed defect
178526 The following error is logged if you interrupt and then restart the Campaign installation. You can safely ignore the following non-fatal error in the Campaign_Install.log.

"com.unica.install.ia.custom.ManagerReadConfigurationStatus: ERRORAdditional Notes®: ERROR - class com.unica.install.ia.custom.ManagerReadConfiguration NonfatalInstallException The processing instruction target matching "[xX][mM][lL]" is not allowed."

184919 Big data: Mail List process execution fails with error: unique constraint (UCDUC9111.CCONTACTHIST_PK) violated.

Mail List / Call List process box execution completes successfully when User Database table - Audience Level is BigInt. However:

  • When a user profile table contains Audience ID in Decimal format, this error occurs.
  • When a user profile table is created by export from File to Database then by default all numeric fields are created as Decimal.

For big data: The user profile database table audienceID should be of BigInt type when used with DB2 databases. If the user profile database table audienceID is Decimal, the Mail List / Call List process box execution will have errors.

APAR PO05193, 196259 In a clustered environment, if you schedule a Campaign flowchart to Run now in the Marketing Platform scheduler, the run status is not updated when you view it from within the flowchart.
APRAPO05353, 199729 Cross site scripting issues occur when the user uses a browser version that is not supported. This is applicable for all unsupported version of Firefox, Internet Explorer and Chrome browsers.
213372 Some searchable fields cannot be searched in the Extract process box. The Optimize list referenced in the Extract process box is not searchable in the Flowchart Advance Search feature.
219602 Engage: Push process box execution fails when all mapped fields are marked as Sync fields. Push process box execution fails with the following error message: 21901: Internal error. Error received from IBM Engage: Error executing import of list. Details: Error Appending and Updating Recipients. Job id:

This error occurs when a user marks more than the required fields as synch fields. In Campaign, users can mark only those fields that are allowed as Sync fields in the Engage database as Sync fields.

APAR PO05520, 225559 If a Campaign custom attribute that contains non-English characters is exported to a mapped database table, the attribute value is truncated.
APAR PO06187, 226297 A round bracket "(" in the process box name is displayed incorrectly in the Cell reports as a single right square bracket "]".
226794 Campaign Listener Silent mode installation does not set MasterListnerPriority and LoadBalancer weight configuration parameters.

Users must manually set these configurations under Marketing Platform configuration.

226975 Campaign web application cannot connect to Campaign listener when masterListenerPriority and loadBalanceWeight are the same for all listener nodes.
PMR 218840, 228837 Insufficient information is available in the log files to identify the root cause for the Campaign error 11107. This error occurs when an opened process box contains persistent Derived fields that are deleted from upstream process boxes.
APAR PO06410, 228845 Scheduled flowcharts fail with error 1783 in listener cluster environment.
APAR PO06331, 230046 In the query of the segment in a Segment process box, round brackets disappear when we add an operator after the closing round bracket. When a user selects query rows and removes the round bracket, it is not been removed.
PMR 211651, 230546 A Campaign out of memory error occurs due to heap being consumed by session data.
PMR 193502, 230553 While using the Safari browser, if there are lots of templates in the template menu, the time required to load the template might exceed the default screen timeout of 60 seconds. The screen time out and no templates are loaded.
APAR PO05875, 230555 When a user with locale preference set to Italian creates a campaign and a flowchart in the Italian locale, the Flowchart Palate is not displayed correctly.
APAR PO06554, 231385 The default directory for selecting the input data is set to the directory that is defined as the defaultOutputDirectory instead of the directory that is defined as the defaultInputDirectory in Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | server | fileDialog.
DEF 231396 In a clustered environment, the Mail list process execution fails when a smart offer list is assigned to the mail list.
APAR PO06582, 231983 When a user adds a round bracket in the query section of a process box using query builder, saves the process box and tries to remove the bracket from the expression, the bracket is not removed.
DEF 232095 advSrchUtil command sometimes cannot create index for Deep search. Users must log in to the Campaign application go to the Campaign page before running advSrchUtil.
PMR 231995, 232527 When an offer is created by using the createOffer API, the offer name is not validated for special characters.
PMR 233720, 234297 In the Extract process box for the in Candidate Fields in the Extract tab, when the user selects a field by using the mouse and then selects another field, then uses the Up or Down keyboard keys, the focus moves to the first field that was selected by the user.
PMR 195194, 234421 When a user with the locale fr_FR configures a flowchart with a Mail list, navigated to the Parameter tab of the Mail list process, and parametrizes the Date field attribute, the Campaign generated fields label is blank.
APAR PO06485, 234422 Users cannot rename a session flowchart.
234913 No error occurs on Mail list process with multiple input cells when the assigned PDF is removed.
APAR PO06003, 235307 After pasting from template library, the table is mapped with the first table in the list.
235602 Campaign application does not start on Websphere
APAR PO06031, 238206 Users cannot increase the width of the Datasource column in the Table mapping window.
238208 For the Select process, the round brackets for an Expression are truncated when the AND/OR operators are changed.
APAR PO05898, 239361 When a user with the locale set as French or Italian opens a Sample process and clicks on Sample size calculator, the minimum and maximum values keep flickering.
239625 Logging is not correct if ETL to dtlcontactHist fails. Logs are saved in the ETL.log file instead of campaignweb.log or EngageETL.log files.
239749 The application user interface performance slows for an Offer list with 1500 offers.
APAR PO06850, 240166 If the date 29 February is passed as a value in the date_format macro, it fails with a 334: Invalid arguments error.
241005 SPSS Score process fails on a Cluster setup.
241130 An exception occurs if the identifier is NULL for Event Message Sent.
241563 When a single Campaign has more than 50 flowcharts, it take a longer time that usual to list all the flowcharts when a user View a tab or Edit a tab.
242358 Dimension tables are not visible under the second Base table node in the Table mapping window when we use Dimension fields of first base table or existing Dimension tables.
APAR PO06928, 242661 If the property setting DeleteAsRecreate is changed from FALSE to TRUE under Campaign|partitions|partition1|dataSources|UA_SYSTEM_TABLES, an error occurs and the recreation of the table UACO_OCT000000XX for the Contact Optimization session fails with the error message "ORA-01727: numeric precision specifier is out of range 1 to 38."
PMR 242776, 243361 When the sort API is called, for sessions, there is no indication on the user interface that the response has not been received from the server as yet.
APAR PO06240, 244938 If the table that is selected for the Select Based on field in the Select process is remapped and the case for the table name is changed in Campaign table mapping, when the Select process is opened again, the Select Based on field is set to None but the previous table is still used in the query.
APAR PO07037, 245567 When a user uploads phone numbers in the SMS process, the Customer ID is uploaded instead of the phone numbers in the contact list for Engage. If the user maps a text column along with the phone number, the text is written into the phone number field and the process fails.
APAR PO06278, 246943 When assigning offers within an Optimize process box, offer assignments may change cells if you assign an offer and then click in the offer field for another cell. At times, an Internal ID for the offer is displayed instead of the offer name.
APAR PO06791, 247170 The items on the Campaign Analysis tab (Campaign Flowchart Status Summary report) are not sorted correctly. When you click on date type column name, for example Last Run or Created on dates, the items are still sorted alphabetically. This occurs when the default language setting is English (United Kingdom).
APAR PO04374, 265677 Auto complete for drop down menus for target cell attributes does not work.
PMR 270879, 265684 An error occurs and the table cannot be mapped if you map a new table to a file for which the file name starts with a number.
APAR PO06811, 265686 For the Select process, when a user selects a strategic segment from the Input, the Select Based On menu does not change and shows None.
APAR PO06314, 265703 In the Select process window, the incorrect value is displayed in the hover help window when a user selects a particular value in Expression value field and moves the mouse pointer over the value.
APAR PO06785, 266372 Match/Link target cells to assign an offer in an Optimize box does not work in a Campaign - Marketing Operations integrated flowchart using top-down design from a published TCS when you have a Segment>Segment>Optimize logic. The offer assignment made by Match/Link target cells cannot be changed manually in the process box. Offer changes can be made to the Marketing Operations TCS and published. Flowchart cells must be unlinked and linked to reflect the published changes made in the Marketing Operations TCS.
APAR PO06375, 266718 When two platform schedules are created at same time or very close to each other for the same flowchart, the unica_acsvr process for one of the schedules does not complete.
PMR 247194, 267729 Offer Performance Summary by Campaign report was formed incorrectly from IBM Cognos in Campaign.
APAR PO06249, 270510 The Optimize Session Report uses more resources and results is performance issues in the application.
APAR PO04314, 270517 Unconfigured process boxes appear to be configured and valid after a different branch on the same flowchart is run.
PMR 269269, 270518 A 10404 error occurs for a flowchart when a user exports a derived field that contains NULL values to a database table by using the Snapshot process.
PMR 223042, 270519 In a new flowchart, when multiple input process boxes are added to Mail list and configured to choose additional input cells, the treatment tab shows only the first cell in Mail list as input. If the flowchart is now saved, the flowchart stops responding.
APAR PO06172, 270615 Campaign Extract process does not write to the DB2 database when a flowchart is configured with two Extract processes and the second Extract process contains a derived field that uses French accented characters in the name of the derived field.
APAR PO06787, 270743 You cannot use an HTTPS URL to connect Campaign to IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition.
PMR 270718, 271650 SSLv2 and SSLv3 protocols can be used in Campaign.
APAR PO07062, 271672 While using the Internet Explorer and Chrome browser, when the user sets up a scheduler based on a new or defined cron expression then the scheduler is defined twice.
APAR PO04314, DEF 178977 Unconfigured process boxes appear as configured and valid after a different branch on the same flowchart is run.
APAR PO04374, DEF 180108 Auto complete for drop down menus for target cell attributes does not work.
APAR PO05188, DEF 195946 Unable to start Campaign listener with sudo used on Linux server. Attempts to start Campaign listener on linux server results in error "The rc.unica_ac start process is already running" if sudo user is used to start the listener.
APAR PO05593, DEF 204777 A newly created table in DB is displayed at the bottom of the Source Table drop-down box during Table mapping within a Select process box and not in the proper alphabetically sorted order.
APAR PO05664, DEF 206862 Scheduling a flowchart fails if the name of the flowchart has a + sign in it. Users must not use a plus sign, dollar and comma in the campaign name, flowchart name and schedule name.
APAR PO05724, DEF 210545 Flat file with blank records in it behaves differently for Select and Extract process box.
DEF 213525 Campaign User database HP Vertica: Error occurs while exporting data from table with Boolean DataType.
APAR PO05898, DEF 215998 For French and Italian users the minimum and maximum values flicker on the "Sample size calculator" pop-up window.
APAR PO05977, DEF 217550 The "Source" tab is not capitalized correctly when a process box is opened with language set to Italian.
APAR PO06031, DEF 218629 Unable to increase length of datasource column in Table Mapping screen of Campaign.
APAR PO06151, DEF 221652 Persistent derived fields do not persist in Campaign flowchart branch for users with locale other than English. Note:This fix is applicable for users creating and editing the flowcharts with same language settings.
DEF 222087 Offer Folders are not replicated on other cluster nodes of Campaign Web Application.
  1. User 1 connected to node1 of Campaign application > Creates an Offer folder.
  2. User 2 connected to node 2 of Campaign application > Reloads the Offers page.
  3. User 2 is not able to see the offer folder created by User 1.
APAR PO06240, DEF 223861 When a user remaps a table that was taken as input in the select process box and while remapping the table if the user changes the table name in the Campaign table mapping, the modified table name is not displayed in the Campaign UI.
DEF 224257 Campaign DeepSearch : Can search by using the description after the description is edited.
APAR PO05794, DEF 225338 Select process box is not retaining the condition given in Expression.
DEF 225777 Email process box issues in 10.0.
  • Keyed DB support for Email PB. This forces the user to use two separate databases in Engage. Keyed db for Email PB and non keyed DB for SMS and Push PB
  • Absence of sync field in Email PB causing duplicate records in non-keyed DB.
  • Campaign code has to be manually added to mailing name in Email PB. Tracking responses would be difficult if campaign code is not consistently added by the user
DEF 225779 The columns in following tables do not contain campaign code after importing events from UBX via Toolkit:
  • UBX_SimpNot_appOpened
  • UBX_SimpNot_URLClicked
  • UBX_App_Installed
  • UBX_App_SessionEnded
  • UBX_App_SessionStarted
  • UBX_App_UIPushDisabled
  • UBX_App_UIPushEnabled
  • UBX_App_Uninstalled
APAR PO06314, DEF 225802 When the user hovers the mouse pointer over a particular value in the Select expression value field, the previous value that was entered for the field is displayed.
APAR PO06217, DEF 225929 All contact history is deleted even after disabling 'Log To Contact History' option, when Mail List box encountered an error while re-run. "
APAR PO06375, DEF 227155 If there are two platform schedules created at same time or very close to each other for same flowchart, then unica_acsvr does not cleans up even if the execution is complete.
APAR PO06669, DEF 227370 No error message is added in the Campaign installation log files if the GSKit files/utilities are not installed.

By default only root user has write permission in this directory. When non root user installs Campaign 10.0 application it gets installed without any error, but in this GSKit files /utiilities are not copied at '/usr/local' path.

APAR PO06404 , DEF 227723 Extract process box fails when using input table with composite audience and choosing Target data source as database instead of Campaign server.
APAR PO06418, DEF 228246 Incorrect values ate inserted into Dtl Contact History in Audience field after running Post Opt flowchart which uses Optimizedlist in Extract process box.
APAR PO05281, DEF 228262 Flowchart crashes with error 10404 when dotted line between Model and Score process is deleted.
APAR PO06372, DEF 228383 Existing assigned offer in Optimize process box is not refreshing after changing linked target cell.
APAR PO06366, DEF 228565 For a particular flowchart run is failing with 'Invalid month' error for alternate executions.
DEF 228838 Error 11107 is displayed when pasting a template in a new flowchart. Better context logging is needed in the flowchart log in order to isolate the cause of this issue.
APAR PO06410, DEF 228846 Scheduled flowchart fails with error 1783 in listener cluster environment.
APAR PO03936, DEF 229409 For nested Segment processes that use a de-normalized table, the condition that is used for "Use Query Scope from Input Cell" is not applied for processing records in subsequent process boxes.
APAR PO04969, DEF 229505 An error “Incommutable sort order detected" in eMessage Process Box occurs when Flowchart with Select > eMessage is configured to take the input from Teradata data source and audience ID is mapped to eMailAddress field.
APAR PO06331, DEF 230045 In a point and click query builder, parenthesis disappeared when we add an operator after Parenthesis. This issue is fixed. However case 2 - removing parenthesis in second row is not fixed.
APAR PO06480, DEF 230070 In a new flowchart, when multiple input process boxes are added to Mail List and configured to choose additional input cells, the treatment tab shows only the first cell in Mail List as input.
APAR PO06671 , DEF 230129 An issue occurs while scheduling flowcharts that have special characters. When customers try to schedule flowcharts that have the French character in the name i.e. “ñ", scheduling flowchart cannot recognize the character.
APAR PO06063, DEF 230233 When a user maps a table in Campaign, the "Next" button is disabled in the "Map Audience" window even if the correct audience field is selected.
APAR PO05853, DEF 230234 Control Cell drop down Scroll bar is missing while input is received from 50 or more segments from Mail list.
APAR PO05977, DEF 230235 The "Source" tab is not capitalized correctly when a process box is opened with language set to Italian.
APAR PO05839, DEF 230236 Mailing links are not displayed in right-click menu on the Campaign listing page.
APAR PO06198, DEF 230237 Select process box UI is not displaying table columns when table is mapped and named using reserved word "TARGET".
PMR 229976 , DEF 230239 Scheduling a flowchart that has special character fails and the special characters display improperly.
APAR PO05794, DEF 230241 Select process box is not retaining the condition given in Expression.
APAR PO06097, DEF 230245 A copied flowchart with Extract PB while accessing a large table stays paused.
APAR PO06276, DEF 230452 The performance in the Table Mapping window is affected when the drop-down list is rendering a list of available table names if a large number of tables are present in the data source.
APAR PO05876, DEF 230454 If the same derived field is used with different names in the Extract output process box, the names disappear when more names are added.
APAR PO06206, DEF 230463 Campaign Generated Fields for Custom Cell and Campaign attributes are not showing for selection in all process boxes.
APAR PO05762, DEF 230475 Extra brackets added in Value field in Text Builder mode were omitted when changed to Point & Click mode. This has been fixed.
APAR PO06097, DEF 230476 A copied flowchart with Extract PB while accessing a large table stays paused.
APAR PO05715, DEF 230481 Mapping a flat file is causing performance issue when large number of files exist in the flat file folder.
APAR PO05775, DEF 230542, DEF 230686 Because UserSessionThreadLocal objects were generating, Campaign runs out of memory while eMessage runs for an extended time.
DEF 230552 When there are a lot of templates in the template menu, the Template menu might timeout and not load any templates to Template menu while the Safari browser is used.
APAR PO05875, DEF 230554 Flowchart Processes palette is random. When user is created by locale preference set to Italian and this user create a campaign and Flowchart in Italian locate then the Flowchart Palate is seems to be disordered.
APAR PO06342, DEF 230684 Unable to install Campaign FixPack on 10.0 for German locale. Issue due to an extra space has got added in the property "InstallerInfoData.dd5456b78e01.productName" in custom_de file for Campaign.
APAR PO05810, DEF 230685 Performing the following actions impairs the display for segment name and size: Open segment by query, then segment by field, then back to segment by query.
APAR PO05708, DEF 230687 Extract Process Box with IN-DB optimization on Oracle 12c returns no records.
APAR PO05332, DEF 230688 When Dimension Table is mapped with more than one key field and mapping is done without any order, key fields were mapped incorrectly.
APAR PO05150, DEF 230689 When a cell report is opened on a smaller screen, such as a notebook screen, the user cannot navigate away from nor close the report.
APAR PO06055, DEF 230690 While using the segment process box, Campaign displays a different sort order in a different browser.
APAR PO05496, DEF 230691 The flowchart corrupts after running a partially complete flowchart (due to a failed asynchronous trigger).
APAR PO06323, DEF 230692 Track Process Box's Additional Fields window on Log tab is blank. User cannot specify extra fields to the log.
DEF 230693 A parenthesis "(" in process box names is displays incorrectly in the Cell reports as a single right square bracket "]".
APAR PO03844, DEF 230694 Scheduled flowchart Name is not displayed while scheduling eMessage Mailing.
APAR PO06206, DEF 230695 Campaign Generated Fields for Custom Cell and Campaign attributes are not showing for selection in all process boxes.
APAR PO06439, DEF 230696 Cannot make a Teradata Connection after Upgrade. All connections to Teradata in the GUI return back a challenge/response window. The ac_web log shows a problem with the driver. Cxntest using the data direct driver reproduces the behavior.
APAR PO05915, DEF 230697 When user removes a field in the export column (personalization) of the mail list process box, two fields are shown as selected.
APAR PO04023, DEF 230698 When working at text audience level and attempting to write records into Contact History, an error in Campaign saying 10634 - Incompatible Sort Order detected Set "enable_select_order_by=FALSE" in dbconfig.lis is returned.
APAR PO06660, DEF 231110 Users cannot remap dimensional tables in certain scenarios in Campaign. When user tries to remap the dimension table in Campaign flowchart and removes one of the key field of dimension table a warning message is displayed.
DEF 232841 A user cannot rename a session flowchart.
APAR PO05937, DEF 232842 An error "Control cell is not linked to any target" occurs. Link 1 target cell & 1 Control cell & assign to Sample PB, then Link some 2 other cells from TCS with the sample cells and attach the new sample to maillist. Dont change anything in maillist to this link will be dotted. Just open maillist and verify it still shows only TRGT1 and CTRL1. Save flowchart. Now open first sample and unlink second cell CTRL1. Even after unlinking it keeps showing as linked.
PMR 229343, DEF 232916 Defect with chrome and enterprise mode (Performance issues in maillist), , in Enterprise Mode, flowcharts are unable to be opened at all (throws a CSRF error).
PMR 228421 , DEF 232919 TCS: Segment column is not pinned. In a Target Cell Sheet, the Segment column is no longer pinned to the left hand side at all times.
APAR PO06424, DEF 232920 Issues with key fields when remapping dimension tables. It is not possible to complete the re-mapping of dimension tables when these tables have three or more key fields and the user wants to remove the key fields. The mapping window does not allow to proceed with the "Next" button if a key field is removed.
APAR 232283, DEF 232921 An error occurs if the project name contains invalid XML characters. The following message is displayed: "An invalid XML character found in the value of attribute "name" and element is "Flowchart".
APAR PO06336, DEF 232926 Optimize Extract process box loads records from the entire session, even when no check box was selected. The result is same when both check box are selected.
DEF 233266 A newly created table in the database is not displayed in the alphabetically sorted list but is displayed at the bottom of the Source Table dropdown box during Table mapping within a Select process box.
APAR PO06641, PO05664, DEF 233595, 206862 Scheduling a flowchart fails if the name of the flowchart has a + sign in it. Users must not use a plus sign.
APAR PO06647, DEF 233749 The Close button is not displayed in the Email Message Preview page and at times the page stops responding.
DEF 234038 A user cannot map any table if the table starts with a number. After the fix any number or underscore ( _ ) is truncated and a message is displayed. The user is now able to map the table.
APAR PO05169, DEF 234420 Missing label in mail list process parameters tab. When user with fr_FR locale try to configure the flowchart with mailList On the Parameter Tab of MailList process if user tries to parameterize the Date field attribute then it is noted that "IBM Campaign Generated Field" ICGF is blank.
APAR 218113, DEF 235306 When a user copies a template and pastes it in the template library the Snapshot process is mapped to the first table in the list of table mappings.
APAR PO06728, DEF 235405 A user cannot select any date before 1970 for the offer attribute of type date.
APAR PO06754, DEF 236180 Events are clubbed together in the downloaded UBX files.
DEF 237170 Long text in the email field is not accepted. Campaign does not accept the email address with length more than 32 characters. So when configuring the Email Process within a flowchart, it does not allow to type in long email address.
APAR PO06031, DEF 238205 Cannot increase the length of the datasource column in the table mapping screen of Campaign.
APAR PO06623, DEF 238451 A user cannot edit campaign target cells if the custom attribute of type "Select box" contains string values with an apostrophe.
APAR PO06777 , DEF 238517 Global suppression segment updating records with value 0 (zero). Data from strategic segment outputting null records when Global suppression segment applied to an Audience.
DEF 238519 Extract process drops records with DB Loader when data type is number(x) and actual field contains maximum negative x digits (converted to scientific notation).
APAR PO06811, DEF 238544 Select Process Box menu does not refresh after a segment is selected and the 'Select Based on' value is displayed as None.
APAR PO06817, DEF 238723 Excessive Code Comments are displayed in the Campaign Error page, which might lead to potential security threats.
APAR PO06844, DEF 239944 A user cannot download a flowchart log from the analysis tab of a campaign.
APAR PO06849, DEF 240150 The values for CLICKURL & URLDESCRIPTION are saved as NULL in the UA_EMAILCLICK table in Campaign.
DEF 240758 Scheduler Run status of flowchart is set as UNKNOWN in a cluster environment when the scheduled flowchart run overlaps with a preceding run.
PMR 238408, DEF 241311 UA_Email_Bounce does not populate Event_Name and Bounce_Type. UA_Email_Bounce not populating Event_Name and Bounce_Type via Automated UBX downloads.
APAR PO06894, DEF 241329 Email process box crashes with INDB optimization enabled. Email process box crashes with 10404 error when in DB enabled and Teradata table is mapped to the required Engage field.
APAR PO06924, DEF 242555 Partitions/partition1 directory is converted to activeSession.udb file in a clustered Campaign Listener environment.
APAR PO06954, DEF 243546 The Create table statement that is generated is invalid when the audience value is written to the database from a Snapshot Process Box.
APAR PO07037, DEF 244174 The SMS and PUSH process box fails because the field mapping in the SMS process box is incorrect. IC to IMC Push and SMS Process overlaying defined sync field with audience key (Indiv_id) so no Push occurs.
APAR PO06981, DEF 244290 Incorrect SQL is generated for a condition on unicode data in Select box.
APAR PO07079, DEF 246768 If a Table Mapping uses a file that has more than one dot (.) in between, the name is not parsed correctly.
DEF 248942 When a custom security policy is configured any permissions revoked in custom security policy are incorrectly applied to folders created with Global Policy.
DEF 249088 Offer Performance Summary by Campaign report was formed incorrectly from IBM Cognos in Campaign. NOTE: This is fixed for use cases populating contact history only but not for parameterized offer populating detail contact history.
DEF 270516 When a derived field that contains NULL values is exported to a database table via a snapshot process box a 10404 error occurs when the flowchart is run.
PMR 228421, DEF 73523 The Source List values in the Custom Attribute Definitions editing page are not sorted in alphabetical order.
APAR PO06873, DEF237008 Campaign AudienceID column in IMC is populated with NULL audience value.
APAR 230602, Story 213165 Campaign pre-upgrade utility support Listener Cluster mode environment for health check. Campaign Pre-Upgrade utility execution completed with error as follows. Enter Campaign configuration file (provide full or relative path).