Mapping Customer audience level system tables

Campaign is delivered with an audience level called Customer. If you plan to use this audience level, you must map the Customer audience level tables after Campaign is installed.

About this task

The system database tables that support the Customer audience level are created when you run the provided system table creation script, as described in the installation documentation. After installation, you must map the tables as follows.
Note: If your key for selection is different, you can modify the supplied contact history and response history tables or create your own for your specific needs.


  1. Select Settings > Campaign settings.
  2. Click Manage table mappings.
  3. In the Table mappings dialog, click the heading HCL® Campaign System Table to sort the list alphabetically.
  4. Double-click an item in the list of system tables to map it to the appropriate Database table name, as indicated below.
    HCL Campaign system table Database Table Name
    Customer Contact History Table UA_ContactHistory
    Customer Detailed Contact History Table UA_DtlContactHist
    Customer Response History Table UA_ResponseHistory
    Customer Segment Membership Table
    Note: If you are not using strategic segments, do not map this table. For more information, see About mapping segment membership tables.
  5. Close the Table mappings dialog.