Creating smart offer lists

A smart offer list is a dynamic list of offers that can resolve to different results each time the list is used. A smart offer list is specified by a query which can be based on offer attributes, offer locations (folders or subfolders), offer owner, and so on.

About this task

Users who can access a folder containing a smart offer list can use that smart offer list. They will get the same result as anyone else running that offer list, even if they would not normally have access to offers (for example in another division's folders).

An example for using smart offer lists involves setting up the smart offer list to automatically return the offers that you want to give out. If you want to give your "high-value customer" the "best credit card offer" available, you can set up a smart offer list that includes all credit card offers, sorted by the lowest interest rate and with maximum size set to 1. The lowest interest rate credit card offers available, at the time the flowchart contact process is run, is automatically found and given to the high-value cell.

Note: Newly created offers can become part of smart offer lists with no action on your part if they meet the smart offer list query criteria.

To create smart offer lists, complete the following steps:


  1. From the Platform home page, select Offer > Offers.
    The All offers page appears.
  2. Select Offer lists > + Add offer list.
    The Basic options section of the New offer list page appears.
  3. Provide values for the following fields:
    • Name
    • Security policy
    • Description
  4. Select Smart offer list.
  5. Click Next.
    The Offers association section of the New offer list page appears.
  6. To set the criteria for selection of offers, click Update criteria.
    A side panel appears containing the tabs Conditions, Restrictions, and List size limit. By default, the Conditions tab is active.
  7. Click Add condition.
    The following fields appear:
    • Attribute - Mandatory. Select the required attribute. You can also search the required attribute using the Search bar.
    • Condition - Mandatory. Select the required condition based on the attribute selected.
    • Value - Mandatory. Provide a value to meet the criteria.
  8. To add more conditions, execute step 7. Add as many conditions as required and combine them using the AND or OR. To remove the condition, select the X succeeding the condition.
  9. You can restrict the search for offers by specifying the folder in the Restrictions tab. By default, the restriction criteria is set to All Offers. To limit the search to a specific folder, deselect the default selection, and select the required folder, or folders, in the Available folders panel.
  10. The selected folder, or folders, appear in the Restricted folders panel. By default, the Restrict access to all sub-folders of the selected folders option is selected. If you do not want to include the offers in the sub-folders of the selected folder, or folders, deselect the option.
  11. To specify the size limit of an offer list, select the List size limit tab. Provide values for the following fields:
    • Size - This is part of the List size limit group. Provide a positive integer value which limits the number of offers in an offer list. For example, 10.
    • Attribute - This is part of the Order by group. Select the attribute on which the offers will be ordered. You can also search the required attribute using the Search bar.
    • Order - This is part of the Order by group. Select how the offers will be ordered for the selected attribute. For example, Ascending or Descending.
  12. Click Save.
    The message indicating successful creation of offer list appears.