Deploying Unica Centralized Offer Management on Tomcat

You must follow a set of guidelines when you deploy Unica Centralized Offer Management on Apache Tomcat.

Ensure that the version of Apache Tomcat meets the requirements that are described in the Recommended Software Environments and Minimum System Requirements document.
Note: Deployment of EAR file is not supported on Apache Tomcat.

Use the following guidelines when you deploy Unica Centralized Offer Management on Apache Tomcat:

  1. From the bin directory, inside the Apache Tomcat installation directory (Inside the <Tomcat_Instance_Home>\instanceN\bin), locate or create the or setenv.bat script appropriate for your operating system in a text editor, and add or modify JAVA_OPTIONS property, and add the following entries. Use a space to separate entries.
    • -DOFFER_HOME=<UNICA_HOME>\<Offer_Home>

      Where <UNICA_HOME> is the path to the top-level directory and <Offer_Home> is the path to the directory where you installed Unica Centralized Offer Management. Typically, this directory is <UNICA_HOME>/CentralizedOffer.

      set "JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -DOFFER_HOME=<CentralizedOffer_home> 
    • For your installation to support non-ASCII characters, example for Portuguese or for locales that require multi-byte characters, add the following arguments to Generic JVM Arguments at the server level:
    • For the Oracle database, set the following system property:
  2. Create the Offer.xml file and place in <Tomcat_Install_Home>\instanceN\conf\Catalina\localhost. The following is a sample file
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <Context docBase="<OFFER_HOME>\Offer.war">
            <Resource name="UnicaPlatformDS" factory="com.unica.manager.tomcat.utils.TomcatDSFactory" auth="Application" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
                              maxActive="30" maxIdle="10" maxWait="10000"
                              username="<USER_NAME>" password="<ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD>" driverClassName=""
             <Resource name="campaignPartition1DS" factory="com.unica.manager.tomcat.utils.TomcatDSFactory" auth="Application" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
                              maxActive="30" maxIdle="10" maxWait="10000"
                              username="<USER_NAME>" password="<ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD>" driverClassName=""
             <Resource name="campaignPartition2DS" factory="com.unica.manager.tomcat.utils.TomcatDSFactory" auth="Application" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
                              maxActive="30" maxIdle="10" maxWait="10000"
                              username="<USER_NAME>" password="<ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD>" driverClassName=""
  3. Inside <PLATFORM_HOME>/tools/bin, encrypt the password using encryptTomcatDBPasswords.bat/sh.
    encryptTomcatDBPasswords.bat -d <PASSWORD> 
  4. Copy the database driver in <Tomcat_Instance_Home>\lib.
  5. Start the offer application by running the following command: instanceN