How do I manage my contacts on my Apple device?

Store information about your business and personal contacts such as name, address, phone number, and email address.

Table 1. Managing your contacts
How do I... Action
Create a contact?
  1. Select Contacts from the home page.
  2. Select Add contact icon near the contact list.
  3. Specify information in any of the fields and select Save.
  4. Select Done to save the contact.
Edit a contact?
  1. Open the contact to edit.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Update the contact information. For each field you update, select Save.
  4. When you are finished updating, select Done.
Delete a contact?
  1. Open the contact to delete.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Select Delete Contact.
  4. Select Delete Contact again to confirm the deletion.
Search for a contact using corporate lookup?
When you look at your personal contacts on the iPhone or iPad, the search operates on your local contacts only. To search the corporate directory on the server, select the Groups option (top left). In the Groups view, under your HCL Traveler (Microsoft Exchange) account, there are 2 sections. The section All <traveler account name> are your personal contacts. The section <traveler account name> Global Address List is where you search on the server. To search on the server:
  1. Click on the Global Address List entry. The resulting view has a search field and your My Card
  2. In the Search field, type your search string. A search request is made to the server for each letter you add or remove from the search string, The search results display near the Search field.
Note: You can also search from group names or mail-in databases.
Note: By default, the server waits for you to type at least four characters before it starts searching.