Deploying Sametime

This section provides information to deploy Sametime to Kubernetes cluster.


  1. Deploy the helm chart.
    helm install sametime .
    • The command assumes you are in the helm directory. The . represents current directory.
    • Instead of sametime you can choose any descriptive name for the deployment. You can also deploy the application in a namespace through the -n or --namespace option. First create the namespace using kubectl create namespace.
    If there are any errors, you must remove the installed product and fix the error before trying the installation again. To uninstall the product, run the following commands:
    # helm uninstall sametime
    # kubectl delete job sametime
    # kubectl delete clusterrolebinding sametime
    # kubectl delete clusterrole sametime
    # kubectl delete serviceaccount sametime
  2. For traffic to flow through the Ingress controller, you must apply a configuration map to Ingress.
    Create a file called mux-configmap.yaml with the following content.
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
       name: tcp-services
       namespace: ingress-nginx
       1533: "default/mux:mux"
  3. Apply the configMap values to the configuration by running the following command.
    kubectl apply -f mux-configmap.yaml
  4. Run the following kubectl patch command so that port 1533 is available.
    kubectl -n ingress-nginx patch deployment ingress-nginx-controller --type=json -p='[\{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/args", "value": ["/nginx-ingress-controller","--publish-service=$(POD_NAMESPACE)/ingress-nginx-controller","--election-id=ingress-controller-leader","","--configmap=$(POD_NAMESPACE)/ingress-nginx-controller","--tcp-services-configmap=$(POD_NAMESPACE)/tcp-services"] }]' 


Sametime Meetings uses websockets for audio and video streams. If your network does not allow for, you might encounter issues when joining Meetings. For more information on how to diagnose if websockets are blocked, see Sametime Meeting fails to load if WebSockets are blocked.

What to do next

See Verify the service.