Configuring autoscaling for video

The Kubernetes autoscaler adjusts the use of video pods based on the configured values in the video.yaml file.

About this task

When Sametime is installed for the first time, you must deploy a HorizontalPodAutoscaler.


  1. Change directories to installation_directory/ /kubernetes/autoscaling directory. Where installation_directory is the directory the install package is located.
  2. Open the file video.yaml for editing.
  3. Configure the minimum number and maximum number of video pods by adjusting the following settings.
    minReplicas: minimum_value
    maxReplicas: maximum_value
    For example:
    minReplicas: 1 
    maxReplicas: 3 
  4. Save and close the video.yaml file.
  5. To deploy the video autoscaler, run the following command from the autoscaling directory.
    kubectl apply -f video.yaml 
    If the autoscaler has already been deployed, you can adjust the number of video nodes available. The following command can be used to adjust the number of video nodes.
    kubectl edit hpa video