Installing Sametime on Docker

Installing Sametime involves starting the install procedure and specifying configuration information for the server, such as the credentials, the ports, MongoDB, and LDAP that the server uses.

Before you begin

Download the product from the HCL Software Portal.

About this task

Docker commands are used throughout the install process. All commands require running as a root user. If not running as root user, you must preface all commands with sudo.


  1. Verify that the product files downloaded and extract to the desired installation directory.
    Change to the installation directory and verify that the permissions are set correctly by running the following commands:
    # cd sametime_install
    # ls -la

    Where sametime_install is the installation directory.

  2. From the installation directory, run the Sametime install command.
    # ./
    The install command begins the installation of the Sametime product.
  3. Enter the information for the prompts.
    You are prompted to enter the following information.
    • Fully qualified name of the Sametime server
    • Sametime domain name
    • Mongo host
    • Mongo port
    • Mongo admin user name
    • Mongo admin user password
    • Mongo Connection URL
    • LDAP server host name or IP address
    • Use TLS to access LDAP
    • LDAP server port
    • LDAP Base DN for resolving users and groups
    • Configure advanced LDAP settings needed for binding
    • Base64 encoded JWT SECRET
    • TURN server address
    • Configure TCP over 4443
    • Configure LTPA
  4. If you are installing HCL Sametime Premium, configure the virtual sound drivers.
    Sametime Meetings require virtual sound drivers. See Configuring the recorder on Docker and Kubernetes instances for details.
  5. If you are defining extra hosts, see Defining extra hosts for Docker deployments.


After the installation is completed, the HCL Sametime services that support chat and meetings are running.

What to do next

Test the Sametime chat and meeting services. for details, see Testing Sametime chat and meeting clients.