Configuring Sametime Proxy Server

Based on the responses during installation, settings will be stored in the following files:

About this task

  • sametimeproxy\setenv.bat (
  • sametimeproxy\conf\stproxyconfig.xml
  • sametimeproxy\conf\

After installation, these configuration files can be manually edited to alter the server's configuration.

Note: Changes to stproxyconfig.xml are automatically read, without needing a server restart but may take up to 30 mins. If you have an existing Sametime Proxy server (v9 or V10) with settings specific to your environment, those settings can be copied to the new stproxyconfig.xml as needed.

To start the server:

sametimeproxy\bin\startup.bat (

To stop the server:

sametimeproxy\bin\shutdown.bat (

  • If the server hangs during shutdown, kill the process.
  • If this server is on a separate host, be sure to add it's IP to the Trusted IPs of the Sametime Community server. Stconfig.nsf > Community Connectivity: Community Trusted IPS. Use colon to separate lists of IPs to be trusted. (, etc).
  • If MongoDB is running on Windows, it may be required for the Windows server’s domain name to be in the proxy server’s DNS hosts file. For example, if the Windows server’s domain name is, “WIN-SERVERNAME” then the Sametime Proxy should add this in its host file.

Example:# mapping the windows domain name of the MongoDB to this uservers hosts file, so redirects will work WIN-SERVERNAME

Enabling SSO on the Sametime Community Server

To complete the configuration of the Sametime Proxy to the Community Server, Enable SSO on the Sametime Community server.

Securing the Sametime Proxy Server

For more information on security, ports, and protocol see, Securing the Sametime Proxy Server.

Create a service

Create a service to allow the Sametime Proxy Server to start automatically with the operating system.

Debugging the Sametime Proxy Server

For more information on how to set/capture debug information, see Enabling Logging and Tracing on the Proxy Server.

What to do next

Test the Sametime Proxy client using the following sample URL:
