Configuring stub settings for SIBus transports

You can configure stubs using IBM® WebSphere® Application Server service integration bus (SIBus) transports to consume messages from the real destination or to use sift-and-pass-through.

Before you begin

You must have a logical SIBus resource that is bound to a physical SIBus resource in an environment.


  1. In the Physical View of the Architecture School perspective, double-click a SIBus resource.

    The IBM WebSphere SI Bus window is displayed.

  2. On the Stubbing tab, two types of stubbing are available:
    • Direct: If you select this option, the following things will happen:
      • Stubs will consume messages from the real destination and will not send routing rules to HCL Quality Server.
      • The mediations on the bus destinations will not be instructed to intercept any messages.
      If you are stubbing a queue, the stub will be in competition with any other consumers on that queue for any messages that are received.
    • Use Sift & Pass Through: Stubs will listen for messages intercepted by the SIBus Intercept Mediator, which is a component of HCL Quality Server. If the stub does not handle these messages, they can then be passed through to the live system. For more information about the SIBus Intercept Mediator package, see HCL OneTest API tool packages