Creating a scenario

You can create a scenario in HCL Quality Server to control a collection of configured stubs.

About this task

Addition of a stub to a scenario results in a copy being created, that is, the one in the scenario is independent of its source and can have different settings.

In HCL Quality Server V9.2.1 or later, the Environments Dashboard supports the creation of multiple scenarios.


  1. To create a scenario in HCL Quality Server, click the Add Scenario button (image of the icon) on the Environments Dashboard.

    The Add Scenario dialog box is displayed.

  2. In the Scenario name field, enter a unique name for the new scenario.
  3. Optional: You can select all the currently running stubs to be automatically added to the new scenario by selecting the check box in the Add Scenario dialog box.
    Note: If you have already created a scenario with the same name in the current environment, an error message is displayed, and you must save the new scenario under a different name.


The scenario that you have just created is now available for any user to start and is displayed as a row expandable to show the contained stubs.


You can identify a scenario on the Environments Dashboard from the Start Scenario icon (image of the icon) that is present for a scenario, while the stub can be identified from the Start stub icon (image of the icon) it has.

You can also add stubs to the new scenario by clicking the Select Stub icon (image of the icon) and selecting the listed stubs or searching for stubs using the stub filter, and then adding the stubs to the scenario.

You can view the following details of the scenario displayed in vertical tabs:
Tab Description


Lists the stubs that were added automatically during creation of the scenario and the stubs that were added subsequently.
Note: You can expand each of the stubs to view the different details of the stub. For more information about the stub details displayed, see Modifying stub information.


Lists the details about the following configuration details:


Lists the name of the scenario. You can modify or change the scenario name.


You can select an option for stopping the stubs from any of the following options:
  • No stubs will be automatically stopped upon scenario start
  • Stubs that are for the same operations will be automatically stopped upon scenario start
  • All stubs will be automatically stopped upon scenario start


Lists the user and the date and time of creation of the scenario.


Lists the user and the date and time of the last update to the scenario configuration.


Lists the log of the activities in a tabular view providing details of the user, the date and time of the activity performed.

You can sort the details in any column in an ascending or descending order by clicking the column header of any column.