Properties of operator information area (OIA) data verification points

You can create OIA data verification points to test the OIA data in your application. When you record the verification point, a baseline of the OIA data is created. Every time you play back the script, the OIA data is compared to check if any changes have occurred. This helps in identifying any mismatch in OIA data.

Table 1 shows the properties, descriptions, and default values of OIA data verification points.
Property Description Default value
INHIBIT_COMMCHECK Specifies whether the COMMxxx check is inhibited.
INHIBIT_SYSTEMWAIT Specifies whether the SYSTEM check is inhibited.
INHIBIT_MACHCHECK Specifies whether the MACHxxx check is inhibited.
INHIBIT_PROGCHECK Specifies whether the PROGxxx check is inhibited.
INHIBIT_OTHERINHIBIT Specifies whether the OTHERINHIBIT check is inhibited.
STATE_A_ONLINE Specifies whether the session is online with a non-SNA connection. true
STATE_COMM_CHECK Specifies whether a COMM check is performed. false
STATE_COMM_ERR_REM Specifies whether to display a communications error reminder. false
STATE_CONTROLLER_READY Specifies whether the controller is in a ready state. true
STATE_DO_NOT_ENTER Specifies the state of the do not enter mask. false
STATE_ELSEWHERE Specifies whether the keystroke is in the wrong place on the screen and that the cursor must be moved. false
STATE_ENCRYPT Specifies whether the session is encrypted. false
STATE_FN_MINUS Specifies whether the function is currently available. false
STATE_GR_CURSOR Specifies the graphic cursor state. false
STATE_INPUT_ERROR Specifies whether there has been operator input error. false
STATE_INSERT Specifies the ECL insert state. false
STATE_MORE_THAN Specifies whether too many characters are typed into the field. false
STATE_MSG_WAITING Specifies the state of the message-waiting indicator. false
STATE_MY_JOB Specifies whether the session is connected to a host application. false
STATE_OP_SYS Specifies whether the session is connected to SSCP (SNA). false
STATE_PROG_CHECK Specifies whether a program check (error in the data stream) has occurred. false
STATE_SYM_MINUS Specifies whether the entered symbol is available. false
STATE_SYS_LOCK Specifies the state of the system lock after the AIM is key pressed. false
STATE_TIME Specifies whether the keyboard is inhibited. false
STATE_UNOWNED Specifies whether the session is connected. false
STATE_WHAT_KEY Specifies whether the keystroke is valid at this time. false