GEF support

HCL OneTest UI allows testing the functionality of GEF objects that are implemented using standard GEF editors and non-standard GEF editors. GEF editor is based on Eclipse Modelling Framework (EMF) that provides many features for manipulating models. GEF displays a model graphically, employs MVC (model-view-controller) architecture and aids user interaction with that model.

You can perform data, image or properties verification point on the GEF objects since HCL OneTest UI recognizes the GEF EditParts and Palettes. You must enable the GEF applications for testing before recording the functional test scripts. If the GEF application is not enabled for testing, HCL OneTest UI recognizes GEF objects as FigureCanvas.
Note: If the object recognition is weak for any of the GEF objects, you can modify the recognition properties for these objects (org.eclipse.gef.editparts.AbstractEditPart, org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteEntry) in the object library.