Installing the product in the silent mode on Linux

To get started with the product, you can install the product on Linux by using the silent mode installation method.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:
  • Uninstalled the previous version of the product. See Uninstalling the product in the silent mode on Linux.

  • Deleted the file generated from the previous installation if you are installing a newer version of the product.

  • Created a properties file that contains the inputs for the installer during the installation process. See Creating a properties file on Linux.

  • Verified the software and hardware requirements. See System Requirements.

  • Verified that the following libraries are available on your computer, if you want to install HCL OneTest UI:
    Note: For more information on the library dependencies on Linux, refer to Library dependency on Linux.

About this task

You cannot update, modify, or roll back the product by using the stand-alone installer.

You can use the stand-alone installer and the product in your preferred language. The display language of your computer is selected as the preferred language of the stand-alone installer. For example, if the display language of your computer is set as French, then the preferred language of the stand-alone installer is also selected as French.

You can change the language of the stand-alone installer and the product by providing the -l language_code parameter during the installation of the product.


  1. Download the product installer from the HCL® License & Delivery portal.

    You must download the appropriate product variant, version, and architecture based on your requirements.

    Note: When you want to install both HCL OneTest UI and HCL OneTest Performance on your computer, you can install the products by using a single shell-shared HCL OneTest UI and Performance installer that is available in the HCL® License & Delivery portal.
  2. Open the terminal and log in as a root user.
  3. Run the following command to change the directory to a location where you downloaded the installer file:
    cd <path of the downloaded folder>

    For example, cd Downloads/

  4. Run the following command to extract the downloaded zip file:
    unzip <product package name>

    For example, unzip

  5. Run the following command to install the product:
    <installer_name> -i silent -l <language_code> -f <location_of_the_installer.properties_file_name>

    For example, you can run the following command to install HCL OneTest UI 10.2.0 in French:

    HCL-OneTest-UI-Linux-x64-v10.2.0.0.bin -i silent -l fr -f /root/Downloads/

    The following table lists the language codes that you might want to choose during the installation:
    Languages Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) Czech English French German Hungarian Italian Japanese Korean Polish Portuguese (Brazil) Russian Spanish Turkish
    Language codes zh_CN zh_TW cz en fr de hu it ja ko pl pt_BR ru es tr
    • The -l parameter is optional. If you do not want to use this parameter, then the following information are displayed in a language based on the display language that is set on your computer:
      • The installation instructions

      • The language of the product

    • If the installation is terminated due to any reason, you must check the Installerror.txt to know more about the problem that occurred during the installation process. The error log is located at /<installation directory>/Logs.

    You can verify the status of the installation of the product by checking the log file at /<installation directory>/Logs.


You have installed the product on your computer.

What to do next

You must enter the license key when you open the product. See License management.