HCL OneTest UI installation features

You can choose to install some of the features of HCL OneTest UI. Some features are selected for installation by default. If a feature already exists in your shared resources directory, you cannot install that feature again.

Feature Description Selected for installation by default
Select Edition (Eclipse IDE) Provides an automated functional and regression testing of Windows®, .NET, Java™, HTML 5, Siebel, SAP, AJAX, PowerBuilder, Flex, Dojo, GEF, Visual Basic applications, Adobe® PDF documents, and zSeries®, iSeries®, and pSeries® applications through the Eclipse IDE. You can install a full licensed edition, which is available for Web UI testing. The .NET Framework 1.1 or 2.0 is required for testing Siebel and SAP applications. Yes
HCL OneTest UI Extension for Selenium/Appium Provides the ability to run Selenium/Appium tests. Yes
Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET Integration Provides components to enable Visual Basic .NET scripting through the Microsoft Visual Studio 2015, 2017, or 2019 integrated development environment (IDE).
Note: Microsoft Visual Studio integration for HCL OneTest UI might not get installed if the mandatory prerequisites are not installed, or if Microsoft Visual Studio is not installed properly. For more information, see Unable to install HCL OneTest UI Extension for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015, 2017 & 2019.
Java 8 OpenJDK with Eclipse OpenJ9 Provides the Java 8.0 binaries required for HCL OneTest UI.
  • If you want to shell share HCL OneTest UI along with other products that utilize OpenJDK, you must select Java 8 OpenJDK with Eclipse OpenJ9 for only one of the shell shared products. You must not install multiple instances of OpenJDK in the same package group.
Note: HCL OneTest UI supports integration with Rational® Quality Manager for remote execution of test scripts. You can enable HCL OneTest UI integration with Rational® Quality Manager by configuring the adapter that is installed by default when you install HCL OneTest UI. For more information, see Rational Quality Manager integration overview.