Script placeholders

Script placeholders resolve script-level placeholder values into script values. As the values are resolved, several lines of information can be cached, depending on the placeholder.

Usage: Use the following placeholders to customize the following script templates: Script: Header of the file, NameScript Helper: Header of the file, Script Helper: Test Object Method, Script Helper: Verification Point Method.

Comment: All script placeholder arguments are case insensitive.

script placeholder

Description: Resolves script placeholder values into script values.

Syntax: %script: argument%

Arguments for the script placeholder:

name -- Returns the name of the script (without a file suffix or package specification).
fullName -- Returns the full name of the script with package specification.
insertBefore -- Indicates the script code insertion point to be used by the recorder when creating a new script.
package -- Returns the name of the package containing the script.
packageDeclaration -- Returns the source for the package declaration, returns an empty string, " ", if the script is not in a package.

helper placeholder

Description: Resolves helper placeholder values into helper values.

Syntax: %helper:argument%

Arguments for the helper placeholder:

name -- Returns the name of the helper script.
fullName -- Returns the full name of the helper script including package specification.
insertBefore -- Indicates the helper test object methods insertion point to be used when generating the script helper.
package -- Returns the package declaration for the helper script.
packageDeclaration -- Returns the source for the helper package declaration, null if the helper is not in a package.
extends -- Returns a library configurable script base class.
methodName -- Returns the name of a helper method being inserted into a helper class.
testObjectInterfaceName -- Returns the test object class for a helper method being inserted into a helper class.
vpName -- Returns the name of a verification point method being inserted into a helper class.

testobject and map placeholders

Description: Both placeholders resolve values relative to an entry in the object map and are valid only during helper script method generation. The property for the testobject placeholder returns the property name.

Syntax: %testobject: property% or %map: property%

One recognition property is:

.class -- Returns the Java class name, the HTML tag (with an HTML prefix), or the VB class name of the test object.
  • The recognition properties are unique to each type of test object. To get the name of a recognition property for a particular test object to use with the object map placeholder, see the properties on the Recognition tab of the object map.
  • Administrative properties are prefixed with a # character. For information about administrative versus recognition properties, see Property Sets in the Test Object Map topic.

Administrative properties:

#name -- Returns the test object's descriptive name.
#role -- Returns the test object role.
#domain -- Returns the domain in which the test object is defined, that is, Java, HTML, or .NET.
#testobject -- Returns the interface class name used to interact with the test object.
#proxy -- Returns the proxy class name.
#description -- Returns a user-specified description, defined in the object map editor.


%testobject:.class% -- Returns the Java class name, the HTML tag (with an HTML prefix), or the VB class name of the test object.
%testobject:#domain% -- Returns the domain in which the test object is defined, that is, Java, HTML, or .NET.