Undo Check Out dialog box

Use to undo the checkout of a checked out element in your view. If you check out an element and decide that you do not want to change it after all, undo the checkout. ClearCase® does not create a new version, but optionally discards any changes you made to the element, and does not add any checkout events to its history. In sum, ClearCase® erases the whole transaction.

Note: Undoing a checkout means that any changes made to the file while it was checked out are lost.

The Undo Check Out dialog box has the following controls:

Selected Elements
Lists the scripts, files, object maps, class files, or projects that you select from the Projects view.
Undo Check Out
Select to undo the checkout of a script. Clear the check box if you do not want to undo the checkout of a script. If unavailable, a gray box appears instead of a check box, and you cannot undo the checkout of this element.
File, Script, Element, or Project Name
Displays the name of the element, project, script, or file name selected. If a script is in a folder, the folder appears as <foldername>.<filename>. For example, Myfolder.myfile.
Functional Test Project
Displays the name of the project.
Details for <selected element>
Lists the state, filename, and path for each supporting file of an element or the selected element under Selected Elements. Rational® Functional Tester does not display the script details unless there is a problem checking in the files. If the script details are not visible, optionally, set the Functional Test ClearCase Preferences to display script details.
Displays the state of each supporting file.
Tip: For information about why you cannot undo the checkout of an element or its supporting file, select the file and read the information in the status bar at the top of the dialog box.
File Name
Displays the name of each supporting file. If an element is in a folder, the folder appears as <foldername>.<filename>. For example, Myfolder.myfile.
Displays the name of each supporting file. If an element is in a folder, the folder appears as <foldername>.<filename>. For example, Myfolder.myfile.
Save copy of the file with a _keep extension
Click to save a copy of the file with a _keep extension.
Applies the settings in the Undo Check Out dialog box to the selected elements.

To open: In Projects view, right-click one or more checked-out elements, and then click Team > Undo Check Out.