Running Functional tests for HTML applications by using the Web UI extension

When you want to run Functional tests for HTML applications in Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Firefox browsers without enabling the browsers and Java environments, you can do so by using the Web UI extension.

About this task

The additional steps that are required for preparing the browsers are eliminated when you run Functional tests by using the Web UI extension. To run Functional tests for the HTML applications in the browsers, you must first enable the Web UI extension for the Functional test from the Preferences menu.


  1. Enable the Web UI extension from the Functional Test perspective by performing the following steps:
    1. Go to Windows > Preferences > Functional Test > Playback menu.

      The Playback settings page is displayed.

    2. Select the following checkboxes:
      • Play back with Web UI Extension
      • Play back with Web UI action
    3. Click Apply.
  2. Run the Functional test.
    Note: If there is a mismatch in the browser and driver compatibility for the browser in which you run the Functional test, you can download the WebDriver and place it in the HCL\HCLIMShared\plugins\<plugin version>\drivers folder. Alternatively, you can first run a Web UI test in the browser. This gives you the option to automatically resolve the driver incompatibility. You can then run Functional tests in the browser.


You have run Functional tests for HTML applications by using the Web UI extension.