Interpretation of parameter analysis

You can find information about interpreting the details of each of the Machine Learning (ML) analyzers that analyze the parameters when certain tests are run in HCL OneTest Server.

Parameters analyzed through ML

The following parameters in Performance tests or Schedules are supported for analysis by using ML capabilities in HCL OneTest Server:
  • The Response Time Lock-Step Pattern parameter.
  • The Response Time Standard Deviation Pattern parameter.
  • The Throughput Drop Pattern parameter.

HCL OneTest Server analyzes the parameters based on certain criteria as detailed in Criteria for analysis of the parameters. The ML analyzers analyze the results of tests that ran in a team space for each of the parameters. The analyzers present their findings on each of the parameters on the Analyzers page in the team space.

Details of the parameters analyzed

The details about the parameters analyzed are displayed on the Analyzers page in the team space.

The parameters are listed in a table with the following information:
Column header Description
Status Displays the status of the parameter analysis as active or inactive in the team space. The default value of the analysis is set as active or enabled.
Name Displays the name of the parameters that are supported for ML analysis, which is as follows:
  • Response Time Lock-Step Pattern
  • Response Time Standard Deviation Pattern
  • Throughput Drop Pattern
Version Displays the version of the ML analyzer.
Last Run Displays the date when the tests were run for the analysis.
Unreviewed insights Displays the number of insights into the specific parameter analyzed from different tests that are not reviewed by the project members.
Actions Displays the following icons for the actions that you can perform on each parameter analyzed:
Icon Description
Image of the edit analyzer icon. Displays the Edit Analyzer dialog when clicked. You can modify the analyzer settings for subsequent analysis.
Image of the history icon. Displays a dialog that contains the list of the reactions marked by different members on insights into the specific parameter when clicked. The agreement or disagreement reactions by members with the date and time of marking them are listed in chronological order in the dialog. You can view the insight on the Insights page in the project when you click Image of the open insight icon..

You can click the Expand icon Image of the expand icon. to view the details of the parameter analyzed.

You can find information as an example about the following parameters that help you to interpret the parameter analysis:

The Response Time Lock-Step Pattern parameter analyzer

When you expand the Response Time Lock-Step Pattern parameter, you can view the details displayed similar to the following sample:Image of a sample detail of the lock-step parameter analyzer.
The following information is displayed for the Response Time Lock-Step Pattern parameter:
  • The description of how the Machine Learning analyzer has attempted to analyze the parameter in the test.
  • The methods to control the problems are provided as a recommendation.
  • The summary of the analysis.
  • The counters used in the analysis.
  • The parameters used in the analysis.

The Response Time Standard Deviation Pattern parameter analyzer

When you expand the Response Time Standard Deviation Pattern parameter, you can view the details displayed similar to the following sample:Image of a sample detail of the Response time standard deviation pattern parameter analyzer.
The following information is displayed for the Response Time Standard Deviation Pattern parameter:
  • The description of how the Machine Learning analyzer has attempted to analyze the parameter in the test.
  • The methods to control the problems are provided as a recommendation.
  • The summary of the analysis.
  • The counters used in the analysis.
  • The parameters used in the analysis.

The Throughput Drop Pattern parameter analyzer

When you expand the Throughput Drop Pattern parameter, you can view the details displayed similar to the following sample:Image of a sample detail of the Throughput drops parameter analyzer.
The following information is displayed for the Throughput Drop Pattern parameter:
  • The description of how the Machine Learning analyzer has attempted to analyze the parameter in the test.
  • The methods to control the problems are provided as a recommendation.
  • The summary of the analysis.
  • The counters used in the analysis.
  • The parameters used in the analysis.