Downloading jobs

When you want to test any application by using the generated test data or to reuse the data of any specific schema definition for some other project, you can download the test data from the job into your local file system. You can also download the Structured Query Language (SQL) file from the job that includes the generated Data Definition Language (DDL) statements of multiple non-JDBC schemas.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:


  1. Log in to HCL OneTest Server and open the team space that contains your project.
  2. Open your project.
    The Overview page is displayed.
  3. Click Author > Data Fabrication.
    The Data Fabrication page is displayed.
  4. Click Jobs.
    The Jobs page is displayed. You can view the list of all the jobs that include the generated test data or DDL statements.
    • If you want to view only the jobs related to referential integrity, then select Schema canvas jobs from the menu.
    • If you want to view only the jobs related to DDL statements, then select DDL job from the menu.
  5. Select a job for which you want to download the generated test data.
    • You can select multiple jobs at a time to download the test data.
    • You can download the test data only for the jobs that are completed successfully.
    • The download option is disabled for the jobs that are set to insert the generated test data into the database.
    • The download option is disabled for multiple DDL jobs.
  6. Click the Download job(s) button or icon.


You have downloaded any one of the following files:
  • The generated test data in the compressed format in your local file system. When you download multiple jobs, then the compressed file of the jobs is organized by time.
    Note: You can also download the generated test data file from the following location of the HCL® OneTest Data pod:


  • An SQL file that includes the generated DDL statements of all the selected schemas.
    Note: You can also download the DDL statements from the following location of the HCL® OneTest Data pod:
