Test run considerations for running tests on remote performance agents

Before you configure a test to run on a remote performance agent from HCL OneTest Server, you must read the considerations that you must take into account.

Supported tests

You can run the following tests that are supported to be run on a remote performance agent:
  • AFT Suite
  • Compound Tests that contains performance tests
  • Compound Tests that contains Web UI tests
  • Compound Tests that contains traditional HTML tests
  • Rate Schedule
  • VU Schedule

Prerequisite tasks

Before you can run any of the supported tests on a remote performance agent from a project on HCL OneTest Server, you must have completed the following tasks:
  • Installed the HCL OneTest Performance agent on the remote computer. See Management of agents.
  • Configured the agent with your offline user token so that the agent can connect to HCL OneTest Server.
  • Added the remote agents to your project on HCL OneTest Server. See Adding a performance agent to a project.
Note: If you want to run an AFT Suite (that contains Web UI tests) on a performance agent, you must start the performance agent as a non-admin user so that certain browsers that are configured can start correctly during the test run time.
Before you add the tests to the remote repository, you must have completed the following tasks:
  • Associated the performance agents with the performance schedule in HCL OneTest Performance.
  • Specified the host name of the remote workstation in the AFT XML file.