Preparing test cases in IBM® Engineering Test Management

You must create a test script and a test case on IBM® Engineering Test Management to run the test assets.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:


  1. Log in to Engineering Test Management, if you are not already logged in.
  2. Open your project area from where you want to run the test assets.
  3. Click Construction, and then click Test Script from the drop-down list.
  4. Enter a name for the test script in the Test Script field.
  5. Select HCL OneTest Server from the Type drop-down list.
  6. Enter the following test information:
    Fields Actions
    Offline Token Enter the offline token that you generated from HCL OneTest Server.
    Branch Enter the name of the branch where your test assets are stored.
    Asset ID Enter an asset ID of the test asset that is available on the Execution page of HCL OneTest Server.
    Tip: You can hover over the name of the test asset to view and copy the asset ID.
    Environment Enter a name of the API test environment.
    Remember: You must use this field only if you want to run the API test suites.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Perform the following steps to add a test script to a test case:
    1. Click Construction > Test Case.
      The Test Cases page is displayed.
    2. Enter a name for the test case in the Test Case field.
    3. Click Test Scripts from the left navigation pane.
    4. Click the Plus icon from the Test Scripts panel.
      The Add Test Scripts dialog box is displayed.
    5. Select the checkbox to add the test script that you created to the test case, and then click Add and Close.
    6. Click Save.


You have prepared Engineering Test Management.

What to do next

You can run the test assets of HCL OneTest Server from Engineering Test Management. See Running tests from IBM Engineering Test Management.