Whole number and fraction format strings

Whole# substring name

Substring value
MinDigits(1) + "#" + Value(1) + "###" + MaxDigits(1)
MinDigits(1) + "#" + "[" + Value(1) + "]" + "###" + MaxDigits(1)
Specifies the thousands separator and the range of whole number digits. If min-digits is not used, the default is zero. If max-digits is not used, the default is "S". If a ThousandsItem is specified, a Value must be present as the default for the syntax item.

Fraction substring name

Substring value
"V" + ImpliedPlaces
Specifies the decimal to be in an explicit place, and ImpliedPlaces determines where the intended decimal separator is to be placed.
Value + MinDigits(1) + "##" + MaxDigits(1)
Specifies the value of the decimal separator to be required and the range of fraction digits. If min-digits is not used, default is zero. If max-digits is not used, default is "S"
"[" + Value + MinDigits(1) + "##" + MaxDigits(1) + "]"
Specifies the value of the decimal separator to be optional if there is no fractional portion of the number. It also specifies the range of fraction digits. If min-digits is not used, default is zero. If max-digits is not used, default is "S"