HCL OneTest Data support to write the generated test data in MongoDB

When you use MongoDB as a database in your application testing environment and you want the generated test data in MongoDB, then you can generate the test data by using HCL® OneTest Data. Subsequently, HCL® OneTest Data inserts the generated test data directly in MongoDB.

To enable HCL® OneTest Data to write the generated test data in the database, you must either import or create a schema in HCL® OneTest Data, and then establish a connection with MongoDB. After you establish the connection, you must associate the selected schema with MongoDB, and then generate the test data by using HCL® OneTest Data. Subsequently, HCL® OneTest Data writes the generated test data directly in MongoDB.
Important: HCL® OneTest Data always writes the generated test data in MongoDB in the JSON format.


You must have access to Rational® Test Automation Server.

Task flow

You must perform the following tasks in sequence to enable HCL® OneTest Data to write the generated test data directly in MongoDB. The table also provides you the links to the information about the tasks.

Task More information

Create a schema in HCL® OneTest Data

Import a JSON or XSD into HCL® OneTest Data project

Create a schema in HCL OneTest Data

Import a JSON or XSD into HCL OneTest Data project

Establish a MongoDB connection with HCL® OneTest Data

Establishing a MongoDB connection with HCL OneTest Data

Associate a schema with MongoDB

Associating a schema with MongoDB

Insert the generated test data in a database

Inserting the generated test data in a database