Generating functional reports

You can generate functional reports of your tests, which summarize the pass or fail verdicts of elements in the test log. Functional reports are generated from the test run as HTML files that use predefined report designs.

Before you begin

Before you can generate a functional report, you must successfully run a test or schedule and produce a test run.

The following report types are available:
  • Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) reports: These reports are faster to generate, but do not contain graphs.
  • Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT) report: These reports contain graphs but are slower to generate. You can customize and create your own BIRT report designs in the Report Design perspective of the workbench. BIRT report generation is not checkmark_perf.jpg when the workbench is running in a VMWare Windows image.
Note: If you use your own XSLT style sheets, verify that the style sheets contain this line: <xsl:param name="languagePack" select="'default'"/>


  1. In the Test Navigator, select a test run or runs.
    You can use the Ctrl key to select multiple test runs or schedule runs. You cannot generate a functional report that contains more than 5000 calls or objects.
  2. In the Test Runs view, right-click the test runs and select Generate Functional Report.
    This opens the Generate HTML Functional Report wizard.
  3. Select the location in the workspace where you want to generate the functional report, and type the Functional report base name. A time stamp and the type of report is appended to this base name when the report is generated.
    If you want to keep the temporary XML file that is created to generate the report for debugging purposes, select Keep intermediate XML data.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Select a predefined report designs or click Add to add a custom BIRT report design or an XSLT style sheet.
    • Common Functional Report: This produces a generic functional report for all test protocols.
    • SAP Functional Report: This produces a functional report for SAP tests.
    • Services - Failed events: This produces a functional report for web service tests. The report contains only failed events. Events with other verdicts are not shown in the report.
    • Services - Failed tests: This produces a functional report for web service tests. The report contains only failed tests. Tests with other verdicts or other event types are not shown in the report.
    • Services - Full: This produces a functional report for web service tests. The report contains detailed information on all events.
    • Services - Summary: This produces a brief summary functional report for web service tests.
    • Services - Truncated: This produces a functional report for web service tests. The report contains detailed information on all events, but truncates XML contents after 500 characters.
    One functional report is generated for each selected report design. Report designs marked with (xslt) use XSLT style sheets and are more suitable for larger reports.
  6. Click Finish.


The functional reports are generated as HTML files in the specified location in the workspace.