Citrix test generation preferences

Test generation preferences control how Citrix performance tests are generated, such as how tests will process verification points, data correlation, and options of the generated test elements.

Recording Optimization Options
These settings specify how mouse and window events are interpreted in the generated test.
Window activate recording
Specify whether to record no, last, or all window-activate actions when a sequence of similar actions is detected.
  • none disables recording of window-activate events.
  • last records only the last of an uninterrupted sequence of window events. This eliminates redundant window-activate actions from the recording.
  • all records all events of the sequence.
Mouse move recording
This setting specifies which mouse move events are recorded. Relevant is the default setting.
  • All records an uninterrupted sequence of mouse movements in the generated test.
  • Relevant records only the mouse movements that generate a response, such as hover text.
  • First and last records a simplified mouse-move action.
Automatic Generation
These settings specify test elements that are automatically generated after recording the test.
Verification point on every window title change
When enabled, this option generates a window title verification point whenever the caption changes. If this option is disabled, the window title is verified only when a new window is created. This option is disabled by default.
Response times for main windows
When enabled, this option generates response time measurements for all recorded main window-create events. A main window is a window that is created at the top level of the test contents tree and contains user actions. The generated response time measurement starts with the keyboard or mouse action that immediately precedes the window-create event. This option is enabled by default.
Window event synchronization criteria
Use this option to disable window recognition on the window position, size, or title. Disable any of these options if the test produces synchronization timeouts because a window changes its position, size, or title between or during test runs.
Default Test Execution Delays
This page specifies the default keyboard and mouse delays for the test client. Do not change these settings unless you are experiencing problems with events that do not run correctly.
Synchronization timeout delay
This is the delay after which a timeout error is produced when a window event or an image synchronization element is not recognized during test runs. The default value is 15000 milliseconds. The specified delay is for synchronizations that are set as conditional. Mandatory synchronizations use a delay of three times the specified delay. Optional synchronizations use a fixed delay of 2 seconds.
Note: In the generated test, the Override synchronization timeout for a particular window creation event will be enabled with the corresponding recorded time only if it is greater than what is specified in this preference.
Enable think time if recorded value is more than x ms
If the delay between two events is above the specified limit, then it is handled as a think time. If the delay is below the limit, then the test generator replaces the think time with one of the following delays. The think time is the delay spent by a virtual user before performing an action. The default limit is 20000 milliseconds.
Delay between mouse down and mouse up in a click
This is the default delay used to generate a mouse click action using a mouse down and a mouse up action. The default value is 20 milliseconds.
Delay between two mouse clicks in a double click
This is the default delay used to generate a double-click action using two mouse clicks. The default value is 50 milliseconds.
Delay between key down and a key up in a stroke
This is the default delay used to generate a key-stroke action using a key-down and a key-up action. The default value is 20 milliseconds.
Delay between two keyboard strokes in a text input
This is the default delay used to generate a text input action using multiple key stroke actions. The default value is 50 milliseconds.
Default OCR settings
This page specifies the settings for text extraction by optical character recognition in image synchronizations. You might need to experiment with various settings to obtain good results. These settings define the default behavior for new image synchronizations. You can change the behavior for individual image synchronization elements by changing the OCR settings in the test editor.
OCR default language
This is the language of the dictionary that is used to recognize words for the application that you are testing. This setting defines the subset of languages that will be available in image synchronization elements in the test editor.
OCR default zoom factor
This is the enlargement factor that is applied to the image. The default setting is medium for standard font sizes. Increase the zoom factor to improve recognition of smaller fonts or decrease for larger fonts.
OCR default brightness
This is the brightness level from 0 to 250 that is applied to the image. The default setting is 70 for text with normal contrast. Increase the brightness setting to improve recognition of darker images or decrease for lighter images.
OCR default recognition rate
This is the rate of recognition that is required for the extracted string to match the expected text. Decrease the recognition rate to tolerate a proportion of mismatching characters in the recognized text. The default is 100%, which means that an exact match is required.