Integrating and running performance test scripts in Micro Focus ALM

To obtain test result details, you must integrate and run performance test scripts in Micro Focus Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) by using a readily available template available in HCL OneTest Performance installation directory.

About this task

The performance test template is available in the installation directory of HCL OneTest Performance. You must copy the contents of the template to a new VAPI-XP VBScript test script in Micro Focus ALM, add your test script details into the VAPI-XP VBScript test script, and then run the test script.
Note: You can use Micro Focus ALM client only on Microsoft Internet Explorer. For more information, see Micro Focus ALM system requirements.


  1. Navigate to the directory HCL\HCLOneTest\alm in HCL OneTest Performance installation directory.

    You can use PT_ALM_Windows.txt file for performance test scripts.

  2. Copy the contents of the template.
  3. Log in to the Micro Focus ALM portal, if you are not already logged in.
    The Micro Focus ALM dashboard is displayed.
  4. From Micro Focus ALM, create an new integration test by performing the following actions:
    1. Expand Testing from the left pane and then click Test Plan.
    2. Expand Integration.
    3. Right-click Integration and click New Test to create a new test.
    4. Enter a test name in the Test Name field.
    5. Select VAPI-XP-TEST as test type from the Type drop-down list.
    6. Click OK.

      The VAPI-XP Wizard is displayed.

    7. Select a test script language by performing the following steps:
      1. Select VBScript from the Script Language drop-down list.
      2. Enter a script name (for example, script) in the Script Name field.
      3. Click Next and select a test type if required.
        Note: The COM/DCOM Server Test test type is already selected as a test type.
      4. Click Finish.

      The test is created.

  5. Click the Test Script tab.
  6. Paste the content of the template that you copied in step 2 to the test script.
  7. Enter the test details in the VAPI-XP Vbscript test script by referring to the following table:
    Workspace Required. The complete path to the Eclipse workspace.
    Project Required. The path, including the file name of the project relative to the workspace.
    TestsuiteName Required. The path, including the file name of the test to run relative to the project.
    IMSharedLocation Optional. The complete path to HCLIMShared location.
    Varfile Optional. The complete path to the XML file that contains the variable name and value pairs.
    Configfile Optional. The complete path to a file that contains the parameters for a test or schedule run.
    ResultsFile Optional. The name of the result file. The default result file is the test or schedule name with a time stamp appended.

    Optional. Determines whether a result file with the same name is overwritten. The default value is true, which means the result file can be overwritten.

    Quiet Optional. Turns off any message output from the launcher and returns to the command shell when the run or the attempt is complete.
    Users Optional. For a schedule, the default value is the number of users specified in the schedule editor. For a test, the default value is one user. Overrides the default number of users, if required.
    VMArgs Optional. You can use this parameter to pass Java virtual machine arguments.
    DatasetOverride Optional. For a test or schedule, the default value is the dataset specified in the test editor or schedule editor. Overrides the default dataset value to run if required.

    You must use the Dataset Override option to replace the dataset values during a test or schedule run. You must ensure that both original and new datasets are in the same workspace and have the same column names. You must also include the path to the dataset.

    For example,


    You can swap multiple datasets that are saved in a different project by adding multiple paths to the dataset separated by a semicolon (;).

    For example,

    ResourceMonitoringLabelsOverride Optional. For a schedule (Rate schedule or VU schedule), use ResourceMonitoringLabelsOverride to perform any of the following actions:
    • To enable the Resource Monitoring from Service option for a performance schedule if the Resource Monitoring from Service option is not enabled from the schedule editor in HCL OneTest Performance.
    • To ignore Resource Monitoring sources that were set in the performance schedule and to change for a label matching mode.
    • To replace an existing set of Resource Monitoring labels that were set in the performance schedule and run the schedule with a new set of Resource Monitoring labels.
    Note: You can add multiple Resource Monitoring labels separated by a comma.
    Important: You must add the Resource Monitoring labels to the Resource Monitoring sources on the Resource Monitoring page in your HCL OneTest Server project.
    ExportStatsFile Optional. The complete path to a directory that you can use to store exported statistical report data.
    ExportStatReportlist Optional. A comma-separated list of absolute paths to custom report format files (.view files) that you can use to export statistical report data with ExportStatsFile.
    ExportStatsHtml Optional. The complete path to a directory that you can use to export web analytic results. The results are exported to the specified directory. You can analyze the results on a web browser without using the test workbench.
    UserComments Optional. You can add text within the double quotation mark to display it in the User Comments row of the report.
  8. Run the VAPI-XP Vbscript test script.


You have integrated and run performance test scripts in Micro Focus ALM.

What to do next

The test result details are displayed in the Output window of Micro Focus ALM.

In HCL OneTest Performance, if the HCL OneTest Server URL is configured in Window > Preferences > Test > and Publish result after execution is set as Always in Window > Preferences > Test > > Results, then the Reports information section on the Output window displays the names of the report along with its corresponding URLs. The report URLs are the HCL OneTest Server URLs where the reports are stored. You can access the report URLs to view the test execution information at any point of time.