Filtering report results

By filtering the results that are displayed in a report, you can remove unnecessary data and focus on the data that is significant to you. If you save the changes, the report contains the updates the next time that you generate it.

About this task

You can filter by the number of counters, the values of counters, or the labels of counters. You use the label filter for all the counters in a graph. The value filter and the count filter is applied only on a single counter. By default, the reports are filtered by using a regular expression to display all counters with labels.


  1. In the Test Navigator, expand the project until you locate the run. Each run begins with the name of the schedule or test, and ends with the date of the run in brackets.
  2. Double-click the run.
    The default report opens.
  3. Click the Add/Modify counter counter Add/Modify counter for the graph to apply filters to.
  4. To apply filters for all the counters in the graph, in the Graphic Label Filter field, click the Edit graphic wide filter Edit graphic wide filter icon.
    1. To filter by the number of counters, click Filter by count and, in the Number to display field, type the number of counters to view and click OK.
    2. To filter by the values of counters, click Filter by value and, in the Filter Value field, type a value and click OK. You can also select the options to view counters above the filter value, below the filter value, or equal to the filter value.
    3. To filter by the labels of counters, click Filter b label and, in the Filter Value field, type a label name or a regular expression and click OK. You can include or exclude counters whose label contains a filter value.
  5. Click OK and then click Save.
  6. To apply a filter to a specific counter in the graph, in the Counter Details table, in the Filter column, click the Edit filterEdit filter icon and follow repeat 4a, 4b, and 4c.