Controlling how available error handlers are displayed

You can control how custom error handlers are displayed in the test and schedule editors.

For any test element, all core errors and all applicable protocol-specific errors are displayed automatically in the Details section of the Advanced page in the test editor, if the following conditions are satisfied:
  • The element implements the CBErrorHost interface.
  • The canHostErrors method returns true.
  • The isErrorGenerator method returns false.
These conditions are tested in the createExceptionsUi method in the ExtLayoutProvider class. Typically, you do not modify the default behavior for a test element, but it is possible to override the createExceptionsUi method. If the createExceptionsUi method returns null, no user interface for error handling is displayed on the Advanced page in the test editor.

The ExceptionsUI class controls the user interface for error-handling on the Advanced page. The test-specific implementation is the TestExceptionsUI class. The schedule-specific implementation is the ScheduleExceptionsUI class. A shortcut way to create these classes is to call the createExceptionsUi method in the TestEditor class.

Note: Container objects in schedules do not display any user interface for error handling if there are no tests inside the containers.