The ReportAction extension point

ReportAction enables interactions directly on the report screen as well as in the Performance Test Runs view. Use this extension point to enable report menus and menu items in the tree and to extend the counter wizard for your protocol. Implementors of generic ReportActions must extend the abstract class, while implementors of AddCounterAction must specify relevant data in plugin.xml only.

The following table describes the elements and attributes of the ReportAction extension point.

Elements and attributes Description
ReportActionGroup Provides menu groupings for ReportActions that define the location of report actions within menus in reports.
     menuPos Position of a menu group in a report menu. Valid values: "start" (top) "mid1," "mid2," and "end" (bottom).
ReportAction Provides interactivity on performance test reports and in the Performance Test Runs view. Defines the behavior of actions in reports.
     groupID ID of the ReportActionGroup (menu grouping) that contains this ReportAction menu item.
     actionprovider Behavior provider that extends
     Menutext Text for this menu item.
     Icon The project-relative path to the icon for this menu item.
     Tooltip Tooltip for menu item.
AddCounterAction Provides a wizard for adding and removing specified statistical descriptors (counters).
     groupID ID of ReportActionGroup that contains this wizard action.
     Menutext Menu text for an agent.
     Icon The project-relative path to the icon in the wizard for this action.
     Tooltip Tooltip for this action.
     allowAllAvailable When true, a check box is displayed at the bottom of the wizard that reads "Automatically add localizedCounterCategoryName counters to graphic as they appear in result." If the user selects this check box, any counter that appears in the stat model that meets the specifications of the AddCounter action is automatically added to the graphic of focus. For an example of this feature in use, see the Add/Remove Resource Counters wizard in the performance testing product.
     agentID Returns the ID of the TRCAgent to which this add wizard action applies. Agent IDs can be declared as "not" to specify systems under test, for example ! Declaring a "!" ID causes all other agents to be included. If this attribute is blank, it defaults to which is the performance testing Statistical agent.
     wizardIcon The project-relative path to the icon that is displayed on the wizard page.
     modelBasePath Specifies the root path from the statistical model from which AddCounterAction should pull counters for the add/remove action.
     cshelpID The context-sensitive help ID for this wizard.
     localizedCounterCategoryName The localized description of the type of counters this wizard processes. This string is substituted into the wizard to describe what the user is adding to the report. For example, in the string "Add/Remove Resource Counters Wizard", "Resource Counters" is the localizedCounterCategoryName. This name should be plural as indicated above.
     showScale Makes data readable within the space provided for it in the user interface. If showScale is true, the wizard enables the user to adjust the scale of counters relative to each other. It also enables a recommended scale to be calculated when data is added to a report from the wizard. For an example of this feature in use, see the Add/Remove Resource Counters wizard in the performance testing product.
     showScope "Scope" refers to the nodes from which data is pulled from in the statistical model. If true, the user is provided with a control to specify the scope of a counter. Valid scopes are:
  • All Locations Data is pulled from any node in the model that has data meeting the specifications of an AddCounterAction.
  • Systems Under Test Data is pulled from any node that does not contain an "Statistical Agent." This signifies that the node is a "driver node."
  • Selected location Data is pulled only from the node on which the report is focused.
For an example of this feature in use, see the Add/Remove Resource Counters wizard in the performance testing product.
     showAgents If true, the wizard shows agents in the tree hierarchy. If not included or if false, descriptors are shown as the root objects.
     defaultScope Specifies the default scope to be used by the wizard. "Scope" refers to the nodes in the wizard from which data is pulled from in the wizard. It can be used with or without the showScope attribute. Valid entries are: "CURRENT", "SUT", and "ALL."
Enablement Controls when actions are visible and selectable.
type Specifies selected object types for which this action should be enabled. Any object that can be identified in a report or in the Performance Test Runs view (PTR) can be specified as a valid type, for example, a chart or table as shown in the PTR or in a report.
path Controls visibility. If no path is specified, the item is visible on any selection where "type" is valid. Path also specifies the model path to the data to be referenced within the selected object for menu-item visibility. Paths can contain wildcards, and more than one path can be specified. An example path specification is as follows:
<path value="Pages,Response Time,*,Average Cumulative"/>
runstate Controls enablement (not visibility) by run state. If true, the menu item is enabled only if a run is in progress.
Filterstate Controls enablement (not visibility) by filter state. If true, the menu item is enabled only if the selected object is filtered.
The following is an example of a ReportAction extension point.

			<type objecttype=""/>
			<type objecttype=""/>
			<type objecttype=""/>
			<runstate active="false"/>
			<type objecttype=""/>
			<type objecttype=""/>