Generating a test plan report from a customized template

You can generate a test plan report from a test plan template that you customize. Before you run the test plan, you need to select the customized template it in the configuration properties so that it applies to your project.

Before you begin

You must have created a customized the test plan from a template that is delivered with HCL OneTest Embedded Studio in the following path:

<installation folder>/lib/reports/testplanreport.template

About this task

You must select the test plan report template in the settings so that it applies to your project. Then you can run the new test plan.


  1. In the Project window, click the Settings button or click the root node and select the Settings menu.
    The Testing Configuration Settings window opens.
  2. Select Test Plan configuration property in the left panel.
  3. Select the new report template in the right panel and click OK.
  4. Right-click the root of the project in the Project window and select the View Report > Test Plan menu to run the test plan.