Trace Receiver - trtpd


The Trace Receiver is a graphical client that receives and splits trace dump data through a socket.


trtpd [<options>] [<file> [, <file>]]


  • <file> is one or several dynamic trace output files

    <options> is a set of optional parameters


If a set of user-defined I/O functions uses sockets in a customized Target Deployment Port (TDP), the Trace Receiver can be used to receive the dump data and to split the trace files on-the-fly. Use the Target Deployment Port Editor to customize the TDP.

The Trace Receiver uses its own graphical user interface to display reception and split progression.

To use the Trace Receiver, you must:

  • Customize the TDP to produce trace buffer output through a socket by setting the SOCKET_UPLOAD setting of the TDP to True

    Specify a delimiter character in the SOCKET_UPLOAD_DELIMITER setting of the TDP

The Runtime Trace Receptor uses the delimiter to find useful trace data and directs the output to the trace file formats. If no filenames are provided, the following files are produced:

  • for Component Testing output to be processed by a Report Generator

    purifylt.tpf for Memory Profiling data

    quantifylt.tqf for Performance Profiling data

    attolcov.tio for Code Coverage data

    tracer.tdf for Runtime Tracing data


-p|--port <number>

Port number. Specifies the decimal number of the port. The default port number is 7777.

-d|--delimiter <delimiter-byte>

Delimiter byte. Specified the decimal number of the delimiter byte. The default number is 94 ("^" in ASCII).


Oneshot. Exits the Trace Receiver when the first client closes.


The following trace dump is sent to the socket, using the "^" character as a delimiter:


^TU "ms"

SF 1 1dch 9527b66bh

TI 1 1 5

TM 726h

HS 95fch

ME 3 1

NI 6 1

SF 2 10edh 72cbacbch

TM b68h

HS bea4h

^ ...

Use the following command line to receive and split the trace dump into the correct output file formats.

trtpd --port 7778 --delimiter 95 -o c:\\temp\\coverage.tio

c:\\temp\\trace.tdf c:\\temp\\profiling.tqf

You can also launch the Trace Receiver with no parameters. In this case, default parameters are assumed:


Related Topics

Dump File Splitter