Requirement HTML report generator

Requirement Report Generator creates reports in an HTML format from data collected from result execution files and requirement files harness that you enter as parameter of the command line interface.


For Windows, enter the following command:

java -Djava.library.path=<installation folder>/bin/intel/win32 -jar <installation 
folder>/bin/intel/win32/RequirementHTMLReport.jar -files <file>{,<file>} -report <report> -output 
<output> -attributes <attr>{,<attr>} -id <id> -keep –coverbychildren -template <template> -folders <folder>,{<folder>} -recursive -version -zip -cvs
For Linux, enter the following command:
java -Djava.library.path=<installation folder>/bin/intel/linux_64 -jar <installation 
folder>/bin/intel/linux_64/RequirementHTMLReport.jar -files <file>{,<file>} -report <report> -output 
<output> -attributes <attr>{,<attr>} -id <id> -keep –coverbychildren -template <template> -folders 
<folder>{,<folder>} -recursive -version -zip -cvs
Following is the description of the command parameters:
  • files are the requirement files with extension .reqif, .reqifz, .cvs and or result execution files with extension .xrd.json

    The file name can contain wildcard to get several files:

    • ‘?’ replaces one character
    • ‘*’ replaces one or more characters,
    • ‘**’ replaces one or more segments in the folder name and allows to find files recursively.
  • report is the HTML output file.
  • output is the output file in JSON format.
  • attributes is a list of attribute to be displayed in the report. Following is the format of each attribute:

    <name in file>{:<name to display>}

  • id is an optional id to be used as the main id in the report.
  • keep allows to keep all the attributes of the requirement files in the report and output file. If it is not set, only the attributes in the option attributes are kept.
  • coverbychildren is used only for requirements that have children. If all the children of such requirement are covered, it is also covered.
  • template is the template file used for the report.
  • folders is a list of folders that can contain the requirement files.
  • recursive option is used to analyze folders recursively. It applies only to the folders.
  • version option is used to display the version of the Requirement HTML Report Generator.

The files and folders parameters are optional, but at least one requirement file must be found during the analysis.