System Testing Load Report Generator - atsload


The Load Report Generator produces a report describing messages and execution time.


atsload -SEPARATOR=' <sep_string> ' [-TITLE] <rdd file> {[, <rdd file> ]}


  • <rdd_file> is an .rdd output file generated by the Report Generator.

    <sep_string> is the separator string.

    <options> is a set of optional parameters among those described below.


The System Testing Load Report Generator tool processes .rdd file of a virtual tester from the Report Generator and produces the following output:

  • TITLE: The optional header for each column of the report.

  • SCENARIO: total execution time

  • SEND: timestamp of a SEND message relative to the beginning of the SCENARIO

  • MESSAGE: timestamp of a WAITTIL relative to the beginning of the SCENARIO

  • PRINT: value of the numeric parameter

You can use the Load Report Generator to compare between several virtual testers. Data is presented in columns, separated by a separator string. Each column represents a particular virtual tester.

There must be one .rdd file for each virtual tester.

Optional Parameters


This option adds a TITLE line to the report, containing the name of the virtual tester for each column.


This option is for internal usage only.


atsload -SEPARATOR=':' vt1.rod vt2.rod vt2.rod

Return Codes

After execution, the program exits with the following return codes:

Code Description
0 End of execution with no errors
7 End of execution due to a fatal error
9 End of execution due to an internal error

All messages are sent to the standard error output device.