Preparing a products header file

Command Line Interface

Before you can compile the TDP library source files, you must set up a header file named products.h for C and C++. Usually this file is generated by the Instrumentation Launcher (attolcc) and contains the options that describe how the TDP library files are to be compiled.

If you instrument your application using the command line, you need to produce the file before instrumenting. To set up a products header file, use the following command line:

attolcc -env_ATL_NO_TDP_COMPILE=1 -force_tdp_cc [--ATUMODE] [--ATOMODE] [--ATSMODE] <coverage options> [-trace] [-mempro] [-perpro]

  • -env_ATL_NO_TDP_COMPILE=1 -force_tdp_cc are mandatory to force the generation of products.h without compiling
  • Choose option –ATUMODE, --ATOMODE or –ATSMODE if you use runtime analysis with respectively unit test, object test or system test. Use none of them is you use runtime analysis is standalone mode.
  • Coverage options and the following options, see C and C++ Instrumentor
Note: Type attolcc --help to list a comprehensive list of options, including those of the C and C++ Instrumentor (attolccp or attolcc4 and attolcc1), for use with the instrumentation launcher.

For example:

attolcc -env_ATL_NO_TDP_COMPILE=1 -force_tdp_cc --ATUMODE -pr=ret -bl=l -trace -mempro -perpro

This command line generates products.h for unit test with coverage, trace and performance profiling.

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Preparing an Options Header File | C and C++ Instrumentation Launcher - attolcc or attolcc4 | C and C++ Instrumentor - attolcc1 and attolccp