Variable initial expressions

The initial expressions are used to assign an initial value to a variable under test. The initial expression for each variable check is displayed in the test case.

Initial expressions can be among any of the following types:
  • Numeric (integer or floating-point), character, or character string literal values, expressed using standard C syntax.
  • Native constants, which can be numeric, characters, or character strings.
  • Series of values, with a From and To value, and a Step.
  • Global variables that are declared by the program under test.
  • A null pointer.
  • Arrays and structures, any of the above-mentioned expressions between braces ('{}').
  • C functions or expressions with one or more of the above elements combined using any operators and casting, with all required levels of parentheses.
  • Multiple arbitrary values, which can be specified in the test case editor, randomly picked between a given range, or extracted from a datapool (read from a linked CSV file).
  • No Change, which indicates that the test case does not set the value for the test.
  • No Dump indicates that the variable initial value is not taken into account in the report, it is the same as ’unchanged’. This option is used so that the variable is not read during the initialization phase of the test case execution.
The data type of the variable defines what is a valid initial expression.

Initial expressions can be synchronized, which means that a list of multiple values for one variable will be synchronized with a matching number of values for another variable. See Synchronizing multiple values for more information.

Additional notes

The number of values inside an initialization expression is limited to 100 elements in a single variable.

If variables are used in the initialization expression, the test evaluates the initialization value with variable values from after the execution.