System Testing Supervisor Script Language.


The EXECUTE instruction executes the program <program_name> on the <hostname> defined by a previous HOST instruction.


EXECUTE [ <process> IS ] <hostname>: <program> [ <parameters> ]


  • <process> optionally assigns a process name to the program

    <hostname> is the name of the remote machine as defined by a HOST instruction

    <program> is the name of the program to execute

    <parameters> is a set of optional parameters that can be sent to <program>


EXECUTE is a non-blocking instruction that asynchronously starts the <program> on <hostname>, and then returns.

The field <hostname> is mandatory and must specify a remote machine.

You can assign a logical name to the <program> by adding the optional <process> IS statement. You can use this logical name to form expressions with the ENDOF and STATUS operators.

Any logical process name must be unique to a supervision script, otherwise it will generate an error when the scenario execution fails.

If no logical process name is assigned to the program execution, the ENDOF and STATUS operators will generate an error during the analysis of the supervisor script.

While <program> is running, all logs normally sent to the standard and error outputs are redirected to the supervisor, except if you have used a TRACE OFF statement.

If the <program> file is missing or does not have execution permission, an error is generated.

Note If a logical process name is used in an EXECUTE instruction within a WHILE loop, the name refers not to a single process, but a group of processes. (See the ENDOF and STATUS operators).


HOST remote IS

EXECUTE process_1 IS remote: ls /tmp -l

EXECUTE remote: myFoo

i = 1

WHILE i < 10

EXECUTE group IS remote:program

i = i + 1


-- the variable group refers to a group of 9

-- executions of the process called program

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