Node Attribute Variables

These variables represent the attributes of a selected node. If no node is selected, these variables return an empty string.

Environment Variable Description
$$NODENAME Returns the name of the node. In the case of files, this is the node's short filename
$$NODEPATH Returns the absolute path and filename of the selected node
$$CFLAGS Returns the compilation flags
$$LDLIBS Returns the filenames of link definition libraries
$$LDFLAGS Returns the flags used for link definition
$$ARGS Returns all arguments sent to the command line
$$OUTDIR Returns the name of the product features output directory
$$REPORTDIR Returns name of the text report output directory
$$TARGETDIR Returns the absolute path to the current Target Deployment Port
$$BINDIR Returns the binary directory where the product is installed
$$OBJECTS Returns a list of .o or .obj object files generated by the compiler
$$TIO Returns the name of the current .tio trace file generated by Code Coverage
$$TSF Returns the name of the current UML/SD .tsf static file generated by Runtime Tracing
$$TDF Returns the name of the current UML/SD .tdf dynamic file generated by Runtime Tracing
$$TDC Returns the name of the current Code Coverage .tdc correspondence file
$$ROD Returns the name of the current .rod report file
$$FDC Returns the name of the current .fdc correspondence files for Code Coverage