Creating test data sources from recorded events

You can create test data sources by using events that are captured in the Recording Studio.

About this task

Tc create test data sources from recorded events, do the following steps:


  1. In Recording Studio, select one or more recorded events in the Events View pane.
  2. Click the Save events icon in the Events View toolbar, then select test data sets.
  3. For message-based events:
    1. Choose parent components under which to create new operations, then click Next.
    2. Put the events into distinct groups. Each group reflects a single transaction that can consist of a request-reply or a series of events. Events are grouped so that resources can be generated correctly. Default groups are assigned; however you might want to review and change these groupings. Click Next.
    3. For each message, map the fields in the message to the columns in the test data source, and click Next.
  4. For database events, select the result sets of the database events for which test data sources are to be created.
    Note: A test data source is created for each result set selected.
  5. Provide a name for the test in the Test data set(s) name field.
    The summary section describes what test data sources are to be created. The name is used to form the name of any test data sources generated.
    Note: The supplied value, name, has different usages, which are based on what type of events were selected for test data source generation.
    • If a message-based event is selected, then the name of the resulting test data source is name.
    • If SELECT SQL query event is selected, then the name of the resulting test data source is name_table, where table is the first table name in the SQL statement.
    • If a stored procedure event is selected, then the name of the resulting test data sources are of the form name_sp_index, where sp is the name of the stored procedure and index is the number of the result set.
    Note: If the test data source already exists then, it is saved with a name similar to name(1).
  6. Enable the Open resource after finish option to open the new resource for editing once it is created.
  7. When finished, click Finish.