Creating physical JVM resources

A physical JVM resource provides high-level filtering that you can use to intercept and record only Java method calls relating to the Java application to be intercepted and recorded. You can create a physical representation of the Java virtual machine (JVM) of a Java application.

About this task

A physical JVM resource can have several properties that can help to identify a particular instance.
You can specify the following properties of a physical JVM resource:
  • The name of the physical JVM resource displayed in the Physical View of the Architecture School perspective.
  • The name of the host where the Java virtualization agent is running.
  • An instance name, which refers to the identifier configurable setting in the registration.xml file of the agent.
Note: All of these properties are optional.


  1. Open the Physical View of the Architecture School perspective that can help to identify a particular instance.
  2. On the toolbar of the Physical View, click General > JVM.
  3. Optionally, do any of the following tasks:
  • In the Name field, enter a name for the new logical Java application resource.
  • In the Host field, enter a host name or IP address.
  • In the Instance Name, enter an instance name.
    Note: If you leave the Host and Instance Name fields blank, at run time, this physical JVM resource will interact with all of the JVMs that are registered with HCL Quality Server.
  1. Click OK.


HCL OneTest API creates the specified physical JVM resource in your project.
Note: To complete the creation of a Java method transport, you must bind the physical JVM resource to a logical Java application resource in your project.
Note: HCL OneTest API 8.0.1 or later provides a sift-and-pass-through capability for any message-based stubs that use HTTP, IBM® WebSphere® MQ, or webMethods Integration Server transports. HCL OneTest API 8.5.0 or later extends this capability to the Java method transport. If you want to configure the default pass-through action for all Java method transports, use the Pass-through window on the Virtualization page of the Preferences window. The default pass-through action can be modified for each stub.