Scenario name and runtime options

You can use the Config tab on the Scenario Editor dialog box to configure the name and runtime settings for a test suite scenario.

Open the Scenario Editor by double-clicking the scenario name in the Test Suite window, or right-clicking the name and clicking Edit Scenario.

The following table describes how to use the controls on the Config tab.

Table 1. Fields on the Config page
Field Description
Name Enter a descriptive name for the scenario, up to 64 characters.
Environment Specify the HCL OneTest API environment where the currently selected scenario runs, also known as the "execution environment."

The execution environment is the environment where the test suite and the scenario are running. The environment can be selected either from this list or at run time.

Lock the environment in HCL Quality Server You can lock the execution environment in HCL Quality Server, thus preventing other users from using the environment. For more information, see HCL OneTest Virtualization overview.
Run tests in parallel Enable this option to execute tests in the scenario in parallel, which can speed up the overall execution of the test suite. Only tests that qualify (for example, tests not dependent on the results of other tests) are run in parallel mode.
Enable pacing and Pacing mode If you select this check box, the following two fields are enabled. Select one of the following modes:
run tests no more frequently than once every
In the Period field, enter the minimum number of seconds between the beginning of one test and the beginning of the next. For example, if the period is 5 seconds and a test completes in 3 seconds, pause for 2 seconds before running the next test.
pause between tests for
In the Period field, enter the number of seconds between the end of one test and the beginning of the next.
Note: If a scenario has child scenarios, the pacing specified for the parent scenario is not used when the child scenarios are executed.
Period Enter the period that applies to the selected pacing mode.
Allow tests to continue even if a step fails Select this option if you want to continue running a test even if a step or iteration fails. The overall status of the test remains "fail." Use this option to find multiple problems in a test without having to rerun it for each failure. This option is not the same as the Continue on Fail option for the test suite. That option refers to failed tests rather than failed steps.
Check environment before executing tests When you start a scenario, the suite attempts to stop any stubs that are already running and that might conflict with references set in the scenario in the current environment. If this check box is selected and the attempt to stop those stubs fails, then the suite fails. If this check box is clear and the stubs cannot be stopped, a warning message is logged to the console but the suite continues to run.
Prevent startup upon task failures Add the required environment tasks to the scenario from the Architecture School. If any of the task is mandatory and must be completed before the stub is executed, select the Prevent stub startup upon task failures check box.

You can run a scenario that is created in one environment in any other environment to which you have access. For more information, see Administration of HCL Quality Server.