Publishing existing test suite results to HCL OneTest Server

You can publish existing test suite result reports in HCL OneTest API that are not yet published to HCL OneTest Server without running the tests again. You can publish the test result reports to HCL OneTest Server so that others can view it from the web browser.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:
  • Installed HCL OneTest Server and configured a project.
  • Logged in to HCL OneTest Server and copied the offline user token generated by using the Create Token option from the menu in the HCL OneTest Server Header. You must have copied the offline user token in the HCL OneTest API UI. For more information, see HCL OneTest Server Documentation.
  • Configured HCL OneTest API to publish test reports to HCL OneTest Server.

About this task

You can publish a specific test suite result report or publish several test suite result reports from HCL OneTest API to the selected project on HCL OneTest Server. You can change the name of the result report or add labels to the reports before publishing them. You can also know if the reports are already published and choose to republish those reports.


  1. Choose from the following options and complete the task:
    • To publish a specific test suite result report, go to Step 2.
    • To publish several test suite result reports, go to Step 6.
Publish a specific test suite result report
  1. Open the Results Gallery in HCL OneTest API, and select the test result instance from the list in the Instance field for the selected test suite.
  2. Click the Publish to HCL OneTest Serverimage of the publish to server icon. icon.

    The Publish to HCL OneTest Server window is displayed.

  3. Optionally, if you want to edit the result name or to add a label to the report, complete the following steps:
    1. Select the report row you want to edit.
    2. Specify a name for the result in the Result Name cell.
    3. Specify tag names or comments to associate with the results in the Labels cell.
      • You can also add a label to the selected report by using the Add Labels icon image of the add labels icon.
      • If the report instance you selected to publish already exists as a published report in the selected project, a warning icon image of the icon is displayed against the report. Selecting this instance republishes the report.
  4. Click Publish.

    The selected test result report is published to the selected project on HCL OneTest Server.

Publish several test suite result reports
  1. Click ToolsPublish to HCL OneTest Server in HCL OneTest API.

    The Select Suite Runs window is displayed.

  2. Select one or more test suites in the Selected Suites panel.
  3. Select the test result report instances for any the following options:
    • Select All to select all result instances existing for the Test Suite.
      Note: This option is selected by default.
    • Select Date Range to select all result instances created in the selected date range.
    • Select Only run by me to select result instances that were created by the tests you executed.
      Note: This option is selected by default.
  4. Click OK.

    The result reports that are available for the selected option are displayed.

  5. Optionally, if you want to edit the result name or to add a label to the report, complete the following steps:
    1. Select the report row that you want to edit.
    2. Specify a name for the result in the Result Name cell.
    3. Specify tag names or comments to associate with the result in the Labels cell.
      • You can also add a label to the selected report by using the Add Labels icon image of the add labels icon.
      • If the report instance you selected to publish already exists as a published report in the selected project, a warning icon image of the icon is displayed against the report. Selecting this instance republishes the report.
  6. Optionally, select and delete the published report instances that you do not want to republish by completing the following steps:
    1. Select the report instance individually or select all the existing published reports by clicking the image of the icon icon.
    2. Click the Delete icon image of the icon.
  7. Click Publish.


The selected existing test result reports are published to the configured project on HCL OneTest Server from HCL OneTest API.

What to do next

You can view the test result reports published to HCL OneTest Server. See Viewing reports published to HCL OneTest Server.