Google FileStore Configuration


  1. See the Google filestore Instructions (
  2. The following OneDB helm chart configuration values need to be set to use the Google filestore:
    Parameter Description Value
    nfsserver.enabled Set this attribute to ‘true’ to mount ReadWriteMany PVC across all OneDB server pods. Required for OnBar storage space and logical log backups. If this attribute value is set to ‘false’ then rest of the “nfsserver” related helm attributes are ignored. true
    nfsserver.volumeSize Set this to a value of the NFS PV size 50Gi
    nfsserver.googleFilestore.enable Set to ‘true’ to enable Google Filestore true
    nfsserver.googleFilestore.filestoreIP IP address of the Filestore instance ‘’
    nfsserver.googleFilestore.filestoreShare Name of the File share of the instance ‘’